Share My Creation Track Book (a RoadBook)


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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I have tested your app ..
Here some sugestions : If you custumize your design make it to to end , all pannels shoud have same theme , if you customize button do it for all your controls.
You don't have any intructions ...the user do not know what the app does .
You may not allow entering text in the fields were you are expecting numbers
Good luck


Licensed User
Longtime User
I have tested your app ..
Here some sugestions : If you custumize your design make it to to end , all pannels shoud have same theme , if you customize button do it for all your controls.
You don't have any intructions ...the user do not know what the app does .
You may not allow entering text in the fields were you are expecting numbers
Good luck
Thanks for your comments.
I'll change and unify design, i'll write instructions so app does a lot of work and user will not discover.
Thanks !!!!


Licensed User
Longtime User
I have tested your app ..
Here some sugestions : If you custumize your design make it to to end , all pannels shoud have same theme , if you customize button do it for all your controls.
You don't have any intructions ...the user do not know what the app does .
You may not allow entering text in the fields were you are expecting numbers
Good luck

App updated, unified style, user's manual.
Added new functions as export to PDF, calc distance and time for each trackpoint, voice indications...
B4Android is great!!!!!

I remove Lite (free) version, it is too dificult to keep updated 2 versions of same App at same time.
I'm thinking about easiest way to create and maintain lite version.
Thanks for your comments!
