Share My Creation TreeView Learning Tool

As I go through B4J and learn more, sometimes I have to slow down and focus on something. I have project I want to complete, but I needed an in-depth understanding of the TreeView/TreeItem objects to do it. This small project was born. It shows a bunch of ways to manipulate tree items and how to associate data with a tree item.

Adds a top level item to the TreeView.

Adds a node at the same level as the selected node, forcing a unique name amongst its siblings.

Adds a child node to the selected node, forcing a unique name amongst its siblings.

Takes a child node and moves it up to the level of it's parent, turning it into a sibling of it's parent. Forces a unique name amongst its new siblings.

An integer that represents the nodes position within the family hierarchy.

Generates a text string that uniquely identifies the node. This can be used as a map key or in a database to store data associated with the node. This unique ID persits instances.

Renames a node with new text, forcing a unique name amongst its siblings.

Removes a node along with all its children.

MoveUp / MoveDown
Move a node visually, move up decreases the index of the node, move down increasesit.

Pickup / Drop
Since dragging and dropping isn't practically possible, the Pickup and Drop will allow you to move a node to any position in it's own family hierarchy or in any other family hierarchy.

Several boolean tests for a node.

IsSibling / IsChild
Test two nodes to see if the above relationship exists

ListChildrenNames / ListChildrenNodes
ListSiblingNames / ListSiblingNodes
ListAntecedentNames / ListAntecedentNodes

Return a list of the selected nodes chilren, siblings, or nodes higher up the hierarchy.

ToJSON / BuildTreeFromJSON
You can export the tree to JSON or import it and build it from a JSON string.

Screenshot 2016-04-19 06.26.10.png

This project is on Github if you would like to contribute to make it better:

Update 2014.04.20: Fixed problem with unique_name and unique_name2 returning improper results.
Update 2014.04.21: Fixed a problem with how I was handling the TreeView itself.


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thank you very much for sharing ... for some time I have been looking for and it seems fantastic .... I just ask you if you can implement it for b4android, thanks