Trouble getting x and y position, on a canvas


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Longtime User
Hi, i wrote an app recently that tells you the x and y of the place where you touch the screen, however it doesn't work if there's a canvas on top of it. Any ideas or suggestions?



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Longtime User
I got everything to work! check out my final code...

Sub Process_Globals

   Dim Accelerometer As PhoneAccelerometer
   Dim AccX As Double
   Dim AccY As Double
   Dim Timer1 As Timer
   Dim xx(100) As Double
   Dim yy(100) As Double
   Dim vx(100) As Double
   Dim vy(100) As Double
   Dim ax(100) As Double
   Dim ay(100) As Double
   Dim r(100) As Double
   Dim dt As Double
   Dim w As Double
   Dim h As Double
   Dim diffx As Double
   Dim diffy As Double
   Dim dist1 As Double
   Dim dist2 As Double
   Dim xval As Double
   Dim yval As Double

End Sub

Sub Globals
   Dim Canvas1 As Canvas

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub Globe

   w = Canvas1.Bitmap.Width 
   h = Canvas1.Bitmap.Height
   xx(0) = w/2
   yy(0) = h/2
   vx(0) = Rnd(-5,5)
   vy(0) = Rnd(-5,5)
   ax(0) = 0
   ay(0) = 0
   r(0) = 100
   For i = 1 To 99
      xx(i) = Rnd(0,w)
      yy(i) = Rnd(0,h)
      vx(i) = Rnd(-50,50)   
      vy(i) = Rnd(-50,50)
      ax(0) = 0
      ay(0) = 0
      r(i) = Rnd(10,15)
   dt = .1
     Timer1.Initialize("MainEvent", 10)   
   Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub MainEvent_Tick
      For i = 0 To 99
         For j = 0 To 99
            ax(j) = 0.0;
            ay(j) = 0.0;
         For j = 0 To 99
            If i <> j Then
               diffx = xx(i) - xx(j)
               diffy = yy(i) - yy(j)
               dist1 = Sqrt(Power(diffx,2)+Power(diffy,2))
               dist2 = r(i) + r(j)
               If dist1 < dist2 Then
                  deltaDistance = (dist2 - dist1)
                  xval = (((deltaDistance * 10.0) / dist2) * diffx)
                  yval = (((deltaDistance * 10.0) / dist2) * diffy)
                  ax(i) = ax(i) + xval
                       ay(i) = ay(i) + yval
               End If
            End If
         vx(i) = (vx(i) + (ax(i) * dt)) * .99 + AccX
         vy(i) = (vy(i) + (ay(i) * dt)) * .99 + AccY
           xx(i) = xx(i) + (vx(i) * dt)
         yy(i) = yy(i) + (vy(i) * dt)
         If xx(i)-r(i) < 0 Then
            vx(i) = -vx(i)
            xx(i) = 0 + r(i)
         End If
         If yy(i)-r(i) < 0 Then
            vy(i) = -vy(i)
            yy(i) = 0 + r(i)
         End If
         If xx(i)+r(i) > w Then
            vx(i) = -vx(i)
            xx(i) = w - r(i)
         End If
         If yy(i)+r(i) > h Then
            vy(i) = -vy(i)
            yy(i) = h - r(i)
         End If
      For i = 1 To 99

End Sub
Sub Activity_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
   xx(0) = x
   yy(0) = y
   vx(0) = 0
   vy(0) = 0
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
    Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
    Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub

Sub Accelerometer_AccelerometerChanged (X As Float, Y As Float, Z As Float)
   AccX = -(x/10) * 100
   Accy = (y/10) * 100

End Sub

let me know how you like it
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Licensed User
Longtime User
you can change the timer interval and the DT variable to 1 or something even larger. that should fix the lagging, it lags most when theres a lot of concurrent collisions... do you know by any chance how tot urn on and off the flash light... i was thinking of making a universal remote with it (it should be bright enough for the wavelength to not matter... i think)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
do you know by any chance how tot urn on and off the flash light... i was thinking of making a universal remote with it (it should be bright enough for the wavelength to not matter... i think)

there is an app here for the flashlight by francoisg:

but you cannot use the flashlight as a remote. you need an infra-red light source and i dont think that the flash light will produce infra-red light?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Do you by any chance know why my app doesn't isntall when i moved it to another directory? I tried copying the source and doing the settings manually by hand, but after downloading onto my device, it said, Application not installed... do you know what this means?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
is there a way to make your own object class in basic4android? im thinking of making a FEA jello cube simulation
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