I'm testing a simple application to receive data from mcu thru bluetooth...my trouble is parsing the data I need...bluetooth codes app I'm using is from this forum and modified a little. Please check codes I'm using..
Timer for checking data:
Function gotoread to display on EditTex
..and this the error I'm getting (please see attached image)
Hoping anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong...appreciate your time.
Timer for checking data:
Sub Timer1_Tick
If connected Then
If TextReader1.Ready Then 'check if there is any data waiting to be read
txtLog.Text = txtLog.Text & TextReader1.ReadLine & CRLF
BluetoothData = txtLog.Text
txtLog.SelectionStart = txtLog.Text.Length
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub gotoread
Dim List1 As List
Dim DataStart, DataEnd, EndIndex As Int
EndIndex = BluetoothData.LastIndexOf(":") 'end marker
DataStart = BluetoothData.IndexOf(":")
DataEnd = BluetoothData.IndexOf2("Data",DataStart)
Do While DataStart <> -1
'Msgbox(BluetoothData.SubString2(DataStart + 1,DataEnd),"Data Value")
numer1=BluetoothData.SubString2(DataStart + 1,DataEnd)
List1.Add(BluetoothData.SubString2(DataStart + 1,DataEnd))
DataStart = BluetoothData.IndexOf2(":",DataEnd)
If DataStart <> EndIndex Then
DataEnd = BluetoothData.IndexOf2("Data",DataStart)
DataEnd = BluetoothData.Length
End If
EditText1.Text = List1.Get(0)
EditText2.Text = List1.Get(1)
EditText3.Text = List1.Get(2)
EditText4.Text = List1.Get(3)
End Sub
Hoping anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong...appreciate your time.