Android Question UDP networking: EADDRINUSE (Address already in use)


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App that communicates itself by UDP, each side can send and receieve data async.
And connection is closed when the settings are needed (port or other).
And sometimes this error (Address already in use) - stops all the work

How to reuse the address that was firstly used successfully by the app automatically?


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Longtime User
This means that the exact port setting is not needed for UDP ? Is it OK to choose "0" at init ?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry, Erel, unclear
One device with single app is a sensor mode, another is data receiver mode (the same app) and remote calibration. So, each device must be able to send data. If different port numbers on both devices - no data exchange, for sure.

But if to disconnect the connection for settings or any other reason - at second connection try this error occurs. If stop\start again - somethimes it helps, but sometimes - no, this error is shown.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hmm, i use this init sub

Sub Start_UDP
    Log("Start_UDP.Close:" & LastException)
End Try
    If UDP.IsInitialized = False Then
        UDP.Initialize("UDP", prefs.manager.GetString("PortNumber"),1000)
    End If
    timUDP.Enabled = True
    Dim a As ServerSocket
    a.Initialize(prefs.manager.GetString("PortNumber"), "")
    Dim s As String = "WiFi error: " & a.GetMyWifiIP & ": " & LastException
    others.Notif(s, False, True, Me, "")
    ToastMessageShow(s, True)
End Try
End Sub

at Service.Start and at

Sub ph_ConnectivityChanged (NetworkType As String, State As String, Intent As Intent)
If State = "CONNECTED" Then
    others.Notif("Internet OK", False, False, Main, "")
    InternetConnected = True
    InternetConnected = False
    a = "Check WiFi-connection..."
    others.Notif(a, False, False, Main, "")
    ToastMessageShow(a, True)
End If
End Sub
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Longtime User
But if port is changed by user? Such setting is available, if this port is used by another apps on the phone.

Or if WiFi connection is broken ?
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B4X founder
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If the port is used by a different app then it will fail. However I'm pretty sure that it is not the case here.

You can try one port and if it fails switch to an alternative port. You will need to implement a similar solution in the client side.

App that communicates itself by UDP, each side can send and receieve data async
What do you mean? Are you communicating between two different devices?

Or if WiFi connection is broken ?
It doesn't matter. UDP is a connection-less protocol.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
What do you mean? Are you communicating between two different devices?

Sure. My single app has setting: sensor or receiver, common the same port and these UDP subs above.
Sensor sends data, receiver gets. Receiver gives command to calibrate the sensor and gets delta values for calibration.
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Bert Oudshoorn

Licensed User
Encountered a similar problem, and found this thread. Starting UDP in Starter.bas and keep it open works, but the UDP_PacketArrived can only be placed (works only) in Starter.bas. Now, I do an UDP-start in each module (in the Resume and an UDP-close in the Pause. Each module can transmit and receive it's data.
Assuming, I am the only Android client of my esp8266 server Details:

Sub Process_Globals : Public IPserver As String = ""
Private UDPSock As UDPSocket : Private Packet As UDPPacket etc
Sub Activity_Resume : UDPSock.Initialize("UDP", 6000, 256) etc
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean) : UDPSock.Close etc
Sub UDP_PacketArrived (Packetx As UDPPacket)
Msgbox(Packetx.Data(0) & etc
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Bert Oudshoorn

Licensed User
What a nice solution via Starter.bas, CallSub and CallSubDelayed. Better than the mechanism (with Delegate and InvokeRequired for a non-gui thread/backgroundworker). Thank you!
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