UDPSocket Network question


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Longtime User
I'm becoming fairly adapt at using the UDPSocket now, since I wrote the tutorial for making your own custom push notifications.

I might be going back and update it and add a working server, but that's another story.

In my quest to find an easy way to program an UDP server I found out that with UDP you can broadcast the packets, sending it to everyone on the network.

I haven't found a way to do this in B4A, if it even is possible.

One use for this would be:

Broadcast Server IP-Name-Version
Broadcast Android IP-Name-Version

If versions match then the devices will use the IP addresses to only send packets to each other.

I could do something like this tho:

Broadcast Server IP-Name-Version
Android check Version, send packet with IP-Name-OkayMessage to server using IP provided.

It works just as well but I can probably think of some other use of the broadcast packets on android. :p