I'm trying to update my database. I am using this statement but my application crashes when performing this statement.
I don't really know how to use UPDATE SQLite statement.
Here is my sub :
Sub Button1f_Click
What could be wrong ?
Thank you for your time !
I'm trying to update my database. I am using this statement but my application crashes when performing this statement.
I don't really know how to use UPDATE SQLite statement.
Here is my sub :
Sub Button1f_Click
dbsql.ExecNonQuery2("UPDATE Plateforme ('AnneeAchat','PrixAchat','Commentaire') VALUES (?,?,?) WHERE Modele = ? ", Array As String(EditText1f.Text, EditText2f.Text, EditText3f.Text, Spinner1f.SelectedItem))
Msgbox("modifications enregistrées sur " & Spinner1f.SelectedItem,"")
End Subdbcursor.close
Msgbox("modifications enregistrées sur " & Spinner1f.SelectedItem,"")
What could be wrong ?
Thank you for your time !