Update Designer: a great feature.


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Hello Folks.

I'm trying to face getting a good App handling the layout in all screen resolutions; i've read a lot of strategies to achieve this but i've notice the lack of a great feature: resize the views in design time by designer and not through writing code. It could be a great feature because while i set AutoScaleRate in Designer Scripts area, i would like combine this setting and adjusting the views manually to get a quick and robust result without settings by code "left" and "top" option for each view in designer scripts code area.

By now, when i switch to designer scripts are, views are blocked and they are unblocked returning to the "no-scaled" state when i go to "main" tab: this is a big limit i think because i cannot combine the "scaled" settings i see in designer scripts tab without switching again repeatly between tabs.

Think about to changing this behavior keeping in mind the quickest advantages we could get.

Thank you.
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