Android Question upgrading to b4a 64 bit


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Sir, I use windows 10 64 bit but using b4a 32 bit with jdk 8.0.... I have many projects developed on that laptop.
I would like to know sir,
1) What will be the impact on my current projects in b4a if i changed b4a to 64 bit with of course jdk 11? Will code work as before or i should have to do some changes?
2) Also what minimum RAM is recommended for 64 bit b4a on a windows 10 laptop?


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The IDE is a 32bit Program. And, no matter what you do, it will still be 32 bit.
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Sorry @agraham @DonManfred ....really i misunderstood. What i wanted to say is if i upgraded my current projects developed with jdk 8 and on windows 10 64bit laptop----, to jdk 11, then will the project run as it is with same code?? or i have to make some changes in code?
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No changes are needed.
ok...I actually do not know much about this java or jdk things. I am familier with vb6 not java and now adapting this java as per need on google and our forum...So just asking..
As a b4a developer, should I change jdk8 to 11. What advantages one get of using jdk 11?
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What advantages one get of using jdk 11?
In B4A - none, and if you are compiling libraries using SLC it is best to use JDK 8 until Erel fixes some bugs in BADoclet that can produce corrupt XML files with JDK 11 and later. Once your Android app has compiled to a jar it is further recompiled (by the dexer) to Android byte codes so there is no trace of the JDK left at runtime.

It is a different matter for B4J when the compiled jar potentially needs a runtime that matches the one it as compiled under.
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In B4A - none, and if you are compiling libraries using SLC it is best to use JDK 8 until Erel fixes some bugs in BADoclet that can produce corrupt XML files with JDK 11 and later. Once your Android app has compiled to a jar it is further recompiled (by the dexer) to Android byte codes so there is no trace of the JDK left at runtime.

It is a different matter for B4J when the compiled jar potentially needs a runtime that matches the one it as compiled under.
??Thank u very much for clearing my doubts.
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