In my new Android App i have to unmount usb stick after writing a file on it. I just have to write a few bytes.
I found that if i remove the usb without unmoun function the file written will be empty (can this be caused by usb itself or the usb filesystem?).
I write the file with the ExternalStorage & ExternalFile procedures with outputstream.
So, after a long desperate search on the web i found that the only way to do an unmount is by using the android settings app.
I know that i need and intent to do that, but how can i compose that?
I try this code but it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance for your time.
In my new Android App i have to unmount usb stick after writing a file on it. I just have to write a few bytes.
I found that if i remove the usb without unmoun function the file written will be empty (can this be caused by usb itself or the usb filesystem?).
I write the file with the ExternalStorage & ExternalFile procedures with outputstream.
Dim out() As Byte = bc.StringToBytes(record, "UTF-8")
Dim output As OutputStream = storage.OpenOutputStream(rFile)
output.WriteBytes(out, 0, out.Length)
So, after a long desperate search on the web i found that the only way to do an unmount is by using the android settings app.
I know that i need and intent to do that, but how can i compose that?
I try this code but it doesn't work.
public Sub UnmountDrives()
Dim usbintent As Intent
usbintent.Initialize("android.provider.Settings.ACTION_MEMORY_CARD_SETTINGS", "")
End Sub
Thanks in advance for your time.