Using DirectX for Managed Code for Audio and Video Playback in B4PPC


Licensed User
First of all this only works on a desktop PC and is just a fun project.

You can simply add the dll to B4PPC. They are located in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code.

But my attached file contains a vey basic wrapper ( I was practicing how to write a wrapper) + the source. The wrapper doesn't have all functions of DirectX yet.

It will only play files of installed codecs for windows, so don't expect to write a new VLC player in B4PPC ;)

Due to size restrictions:
Download the attached file and exctract it first and then download this media files and put the 2 files ( 1 mp3 and 1 wmv file) into the App Path directory)

For it to work you obviously have to have DirectX installed.


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