B4R Question UTFT library


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Longtime User
Hi everyone,

Trying to learn and improve my skills I found a video which points to the following site in order to use TFT and Touch Screens:


I downloaded the UTFT and URTouch libraries and had a look at the .cpp file. According to the library (reading UTFT.cpp file) when the object is initialized you have to pass to it a byte that represents the Model of the TFT screen. Looking at the code I see that according to this byte it includes a different .h file (f.e. like the following)

#include "tft_drivers/ili9341/s4p/initlcd.h"

The character (") in the #include according to the arduino forum declares a path in your sketch folder while the (<>) (f.e. #include <initlcd.h>) searches in Documents\Arduino\Libraries\<name of the .h file - without the .h>.

Given the fact that the library according to the .cpp code file includes the .h files with (""), where do I have to place the folders "hardware" and "tft_drivers" included in the related zip which is downloaded from this site? Which is the sketch folder?

Thanks in advance


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi everyone,

Trying to learn and improve my skills I found a video which points to the following site in order to use TFT and Touch Screens:

You should always add lib's through the Arduino IDE.

After installing it look at ...Documents\Arduino\Libraries\UTFT\
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you thetahsk for the tip...
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