Android Question Version Msgbox


Licensed User

I've made a Menu item called About, which when clicked, pops up a MsgBox with my build number and copyright info. Right now, I'm updating the MsgBox string in Sub About_Click on each build. Is there a way to pull the version number from the #VersionName in Project Attributes into the MsgBox?


Licensed User
Thanks DonManfred!

I tried this:
MsgBox(Application.VersionName & " Beta" & CRLF & CRLF & "copyright info", "App Name")
and my app crashes when I click OK on the MsgBox. Everything displays properly. Any ideas?

Update: Also tried assigning Application.VersionName to a string variable. Still crashing.

Update 2: Problem with emulator. Working on real device.
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Licensed User
Learn to write HELPFUL request in forum!

Saying your app crashes does NOT HELP if you DONT post the full errormessage from the logs

Create a small example which shows the problem and export as zip and upload it here...

Understood. I ran again on emulator to get logs, but app didn't crash this time. Must have been a gremlin. If it happens again, I'll post logs. Thanks!
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