Android Question Violation of Permissions policy


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I have this runtime permission:

in Activity...

Sub Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
    If Permission = rp.PERMISSION_SEND_SMS Then
        If Result = True Then
           'do something
            ToastMessageShow("Non puoi utilizzare il programma", True)
        End If
    End If
    If Permission = rp.PERMISSION_CALL_PHONE Then
        If Result = True Then
           'do something
            ToastMessageShow("Non puoi utilizzare il programma", True)
        End If
    End If
End Sub
The app works well in my phone
I have B4A v6.31
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" android:targetSdkVersion="26"/>

but when i trying upload to google store give me this error message:
I don't understand what I have to do



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What this sounds like is that you declared your app as a new SMS "default" app that is intended to REPLACE the users SMS app for ALL SMS functions.

But is seems like Google determined that your app is not a full blown SMS app that supports ALL the major features of an SMS app like send, receive, allow users to add attachments, list conversation threads, etc.

So, if you app was not designed to be a complete replacement of the user's SMS app (a full-function SMS app), then google no longer allows apps to send SMS messages unless it is the users "MAIN" sms app and supports all the expected functionality of a full SMS app.
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What this sounds like is that you declared your app as a new SMS "default" app that is intended to REPLACE the users SMS app for ALL SMS functions.

But is seems like Google determined that your app is not a full blown SMS app that supports ALL the major features of an SMS app like send, receive, allow users to add attachments, list conversation threads, etc.

So, if you app was not designed to be a complete replacement of the user's SMS app (a full-function SMS app), then google no longer allows apps to send SMS messages unless it is the users "MAIN" sms app and supports all the expected functionality of a full SMS app.
not my app does not want to replace the phone sms app; I just have to be able to send text messages and that's it
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not my app does not want to replace the phone sms app; I just have to be able to send text messages and that's it
That's the problem. Google no longer allows apps to "just send an sms" unless your app is the users "default" SMS app (which would then need to also support receiving sms messages, list conversations, etc.)
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I believe your app asked the user for permissions more than it's functionality needs.
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again. it is not the user, or the device here.

IT IS GOOGLE! and their policy of not allowing apps to do any of this. It doesn't matter how well you polish that drug or change the look of that drug, boarder protection will not allow that drug to pass!
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I read this
but I would not use "intent"

is there a way to ask the user to leave the "default" sms manager?

Actually, if you do not want to make your app a complete SMS app, then sending an SMS message using an Intent might be your only solution to send an SMS message. (Yes, this method is not the cleanest solution because the user would have to click "SEND" in their SMS program before the SMS will actually be sent.)
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Martin Larsen

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It does actually not have to be a default SMS app. You can apply for a permit in certain case. Such as an safety & emergency app where the phone needs to send an emergency SMS to a friend or relative. I got such a permission recently:

Hi Developer,

Thanks for contacting the Google Play team.

Status of app: Your app MaydayApp (dk.maydayapp.coverage) Not available on Google Play, pending your action

I’m happy to inform you that we’ve accepted your appeal. I’ve included details below about what additional steps you’ll need to take to get your app to appear on Google Play.

Action required: Submit your app

In order to show your app on Google Play, please submit your app again:

  1. Sign in to your Play Console.
  2. Select your app.
  3. Select Store presence > Store listing.
  4. Click Submit update or Resubmit app.
If the submit button is grayed out, you can make a minor change to your store listing to activate the button. For example, add a space after your app title and then delete it. Once the button turns blue, you can submit your update.

If your app does not request SMS/Call Log permissions, you do not need to resubmit the declaration form.

When I tried to resubmit the app it still complained about the permission though, probably due to Google forgetting to set a flag or something.

For other reason I had to abandon the app so I didn't go any further with it.

I just post this to encourage people to make an appeal if they feel the SMS feature is an important core function.
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