Android Question Wait problem. [SOLUCIONADO]


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Hi. I'm trying to create a class that includes a pair of subs to request json data. When I try it inside the Main it works fine. But when transferring the events to the class, the program does not wait for the answer and the complete execution of the program ends. This is the code:

private Sub SendCommand(work As String, uri As String)
        Dim nonce As Long
        nonce =

        uri = uri & "&nonce=" & nonce

        Dim sign() As Byte
        sign = HashHmac(uri, API_Secret)

        Dim API_Signed As String
        Dim Byte_Conv As ByteConverter
        API_Signed = Byte_Conv.HexFromBytes(sign) 'convert to HEX
        API_Signed = API_Signed.ToLowerCase

        Dim j As HttpJob

        j.Initialize(work, "money")
        j.PostString(uri, "")
        j.GetRequest.SetHeader("apisign", API_Signed)
    End Try
End Sub

private Sub jobDone (job As HttpJob)

        If (job.JobName == "CmdGetTicker") Then
            Dim parser As JSONParser
            Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
            Dim result As Map = root.Get("result")
            Dim Last As Double = result.Get("Last")
            LastOld = LastNow
            LastNow = Last
            Dim Ask As Double = result.Get("Ask")
            AskOld = AskNow
            AskNow = Ask
            Dim Bid As Double = result.Get("Bid")
            BidOld = BidNow
            BidNow = Bid
            Dim success As String = root.Get("success")
            status = success 'Save status
            Dim message As String = root.Get("message")
        End If

        'guardamos la hora de al recepcion de los datos
        TimeOld = DateTime.Now
    End Try
End Sub

Since it did not work, I deleted the sub jobDone and wrote this new code:

private Sub SendCommand(work As String, uri As String)
        Dim nonce As Long
        nonce =

        uri = uri & "&nonce=" & nonce

        Dim sign() As Byte
        sign = HashHmac(uri, API_Secret)

        Dim API_Signed As String
        Dim Byte_Conv As ByteConverter
        API_Signed = Byte_Conv.HexFromBytes(sign) 'convert to HEX
        API_Signed = API_Signed.ToLowerCase

        Dim j As HttpJob

        j.Initialize(work, "money")
        j.PostString(uri, "")
        j.GetRequest.SetHeader("apisign", API_Signed)

        Wait For (j) jobDone(j As HttpJob)
        If j.Success  Then
            If (j.JobName == "CmdGetTicker") Then
                Dim parser As JSONParser
                Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
                Dim result As Map = root.Get("result")
                Dim Last As Double = result.Get("Last")
                LastOld = LastNow
                LastNow = Last
                Dim Ask As Double = result.Get("Ask")
                AskOld = AskNow
                AskNow = Ask
                Dim Bid As Double = result.Get("Bid")
                BidOld = BidNow
                BidNow = Bid
                Dim success As String = root.Get("success")
                status = success 'Save Status
                Dim message As String = root.Get("message")
            End If
        End If
    End Try
End Sub

But it stays the same. When i run the program step by step, When you run the program step by step, the program upon reaching the 'wait for' statement the program is broken.

The entire class, for now is:

Sub Class_Globals
    Dim name As String
    Private API_Key  As String
    Private API_Secret  As String

    Dim BidOld As Double
    Dim AskOld As Double
    Dim LastOld As Double
    Dim TimeOld As Long

    Dim BidNow As Double
    Dim AskNow As Double
    Dim LastNow As Double

    Dim status As String

End Sub

'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize(money As String, Key As String, Secret As String)
    name = money
    API_Key = Key
    API_Secret = Secret
End Sub

private Sub HashHmac(data As String, secret As String) As Byte()
        Dim m As Mac                                         'm As Message Authentication Code
        Dim kg As KeyGenerator                               'kg As KeyGenerator
        kg.Initialize("HmacSHA512")                          'initialize kg using HmacSHA512 algorithm
        kg.KeyFromBytes(secret.GetBytes("UTF8"))             'encode string "secret" to an array of Bytes using UTF8
        m.Initialise("HmacSHA512", kg.Key)                   'initialize m using HmacSHA512 algorithm and the secret key
        m.Update(data.GetBytes("UTF8"))                      'encodes post data to an array of Bytes and loads it to be signed
        Return m.Sign                                        'sign the loaded data using the secret key, return the calc signature data
    End Try
End Sub

private Sub SendCommand(work As String, uri As String)
        Dim nonce As Long
        nonce =

        uri = uri & "&nonce=" & nonce

        Dim sign() As Byte
        sign = HashHmac(uri, API_Secret)

        Dim API_Signed As String
        Dim Byte_Conv As ByteConverter
        API_Signed = Byte_Conv.HexFromBytes(sign) 'convert to HEX
        API_Signed = API_Signed.ToLowerCase

        Dim j As HttpJob

        j.Initialize(work, "money")
        j.PostString(uri, "")
        j.GetRequest.SetHeader("apisign", API_Signed)

        Wait For (j) jobDone(j As HttpJob)
        If j.Success  Then
            If (j.JobName == "CmdGetTicker") Then
                Dim parser As JSONParser
                Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
                Dim result As Map = root.Get("result")
                Dim Last As Double = result.Get("Last")
                LastOld = LastNow
                LastNow = Last
                Dim Ask As Double = result.Get("Ask")
                AskOld = AskNow
                AskNow = Ask
                Dim Bid As Double = result.Get("Bid")
                BidOld = BidNow
                BidNow = Bid
                Dim success As String = root.Get("success")
                status = success 'Guardamos el estatus
                Dim message As String = root.Get("message")
            End If
        End If
    End Try
End Sub

private Sub jobDone (job As HttpJob)

        If (job.JobName == "CmdGetTicker") Then
            Dim parser As JSONParser
            Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
            Dim result As Map = root.Get("result")
            Dim Last As Double = result.Get("Last")
            LastOld = LastNow
            LastNow = Last
            Dim Ask As Double = result.Get("Ask")
            AskOld = AskNow
            AskNow = Ask
            Dim Bid As Double = result.Get("Bid")
            BidOld = BidNow
            BidNow = Bid
            Dim success As String = root.Get("success")
            status = success 'Set estatus
            Dim message As String = root.Get("message")
        End If

        'Save Time
        TimeOld = DateTime.Now
    End Try
End Sub

public Sub Update
        If (TimeOld + 1000 < DateTime.Now) Then
            Dim uri As String

            uri = "" & API_Key & "&market=BTC-ETH"
            SendCommand("CmdGetTicker", uri)
        End If
    End Try
End Sub

Example of use of class

    Dim ETH As money
    API_Key    = "fc10b55fd5014141a6ab3b5b6ce3745c"
    API_Secret = "d499182d9a2542b48d0d248bc5289baa"
    ETH.Initialize("Ethereum", API_Key, API_Secret)

¿Because the main works, and class, no?

¿I wonder if the response can be received asynchronously, so that the program continues, and when the data arrives, run the jobDone, as it was initially planned?
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