We need our own stack name... Don't you think.


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Taking and shower and singing can initiate that globe moment at times.

It got me thinking, as the B4x community we don't have a stack name.

There is M. E. A. N for example, which means Mongo, express, angular, and node, am I right.

Anyway we use MySQL, Mssql, jrdc, b4x, Jetty etc etc. B4i, b4a, b4j, b4r eish the list is long.

BTW, if we had to come up with a stack name for b4x. What do you think it should be called and please explain why.

Perhaps Erel might just consider it. Lol.

Enjoy the fun.


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I can figure out with what Mashiane already said that it is a nickname made from initials which expresses the technologies used. I may be wrong though.


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Yeah, he's interested in creating something like the acronym LAMP, which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python. (Wikipedia)

I imagine this comes from him working quite a bit with Banano etc, meaning webbased things. I'm already using the LAMP stack for the web part of my project, and as for the mobile app I like to call B4X my stack. :)


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A nice stack name would be "ICE" (I Cut Everything {in front of the customer} ) as some gypties say here in Greece when they go around with their tracks selling watermelons. ? ? ? This would express the possibilities B4X has given us...;););)
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B.E.S.T (Building Every Software Thinkable)

Was that inspired by me insisting on B4X meaning Best For Anything? :)

Anyway, other acronyms could be:
BNE - B4X, Nothing Else
BWE - B4X, What Else?
BYOD (ok, it's already taken..) : B4X Your Only Development (tool)
GB - Go B4X
TBS - The B4X Stack
TBW - The B4X Way
MPMDB - Many Databases, Many Platforms? B4X

please, stop me... :D


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So, are we B4Xers? (beforexers?)


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my two cents... maybe @LucaMs can use them...

The main goal of B4X is to try to eliminate all of the "platform native" overheads, like Java, C, PHP, etc...
I can understand the desire to create a "Stack name", but B4X is a complete "stack" on its own, isn't it?