Web Development


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With b4x, we can create app for nearly every platform but when it comes to web development, I am getting stucked as I don't have any experience with html,css etc.. I use wix for simple websites, which is powerful but for example these days I need a professional website which uses php,ajax to update some content every minute or similar tasks.

I know it is hard to learn everything from zero, are there any tools,websites or services to create complicated webpages with limited experience ? or what would you suggest? ( I probably know the answer but just wanted to ask)


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Did you have a look at my BANano library, which transpiles B4J code to javascript, html, css?

Do a search in the forum for BANano and it will give you an idea of all that is possible with it.


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Longtime User
Did you have a look at my BANano library, which transpiles B4J code to javascript, html, css?

Do a search in the forum for BANano and it will give you an idea of all that is possible with it.
Yes I checked it but it says some html css and js knowledge is needed and it also has support for 1 page as I udnerstood so I didn't try it


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https://www.w3schools.com/php/ is a good site to start from the scratch. It took me less rhan a week to have a website with a db and security options like anti cross site scripting and handling sessions.
Yes there are simple and good examples thanks ! , Another problem is how to design it using css or other things besides its functionality
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Licensed User
Longtime User
has support for 1 page as I udnerstood so I didn't try it
Indeed, used to be like that but now it doesn't. Have changed it in the post.

some html css and js knowledge
In every environment making web site, just a little bit will be needed (or a least the very basic knowledge of how a website works). If there will be ever a B4W, the same will apply. Just like now you need some basic understanding of how an android or a iOS app works.

my problem is how to design it using css or other things
See my latest tutorial on how you can use an external WYSIWYG editor and write the logic of your website in B4J:

I would really suggest you rethink in having a look at BANano. At the very least, it is A LOT easier than starting to learn javascript, css and html. But that is up to you...


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Longtime User
Indeed, used to be like that but now it doesn't. Have changed it in the post.

In every environment making web site, just a little bit will be needed (or a least the very basic knowledge of how a website works). If there will be ever a B4W, the same will apply. Just like now you need some basic understanding of how an android or a iOS app works.

See my latest tutorial on how you can use an external WYSIWYG editor and write the logic of your website in B4J:

I would really suggest you rethink in having a look at BANano. At the very least, it is A LOT easier than starting to learn javascript, css and html. But that is up to you...
Thanks, Also back in abmaterial, I think it was not possible to inject pure html code, what is the situation with nano ? For example adding adsense codes etc.. ?=


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Longtime User
BANano lets you inject html by using B4J smartstrings, or building them with BANanoElement (see the examples in the zip).

Injecting anything like css or javascript is very simple in BANano using the #if CSS and #if JavaScript commands. As for adSense, it is probably as simple as this (untested):

Sub AppStart ()    
    BANano.Initialize("BANano", "BANanoSkeleton",7)

End Sub

Sub BANano_Ready()
    Dim body As BANanoElement

    body.Append($"<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1234567890123456" data-ad-slot="1234567890"></ins>"$)
    #If JavaScript
        (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});    
    #End If
End Sub

That last part in the #If JavaScript could also be written in pure B4J, but it is not really worth it, except to demonstrate what it can do:
Dim emptyList As List        
Dim adsbygoogle As BANanoObject
adsbygoogle = BANano.Window.GetField("adsbygoogle") Or emptyList 'ignore
adsbygoogle.RunMethod("push", CreateMap())



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