B4R Question websocket to webserverq web site

yaniv hanya

Active Member
Licensed User
i"m trying to build an esp32 app that will get order with websocket from a WWW located site.

i saw the toturial of websocket, that has a mac address and local IP.

what should i change so that the sockect will connect to the internet? preferably a URL?


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Longtime User
Not 100% certain but a quick look (not tried it) you need to do something like the following. (The server side must be specially crafted as we dont want webpages sent to us)
Dim wsc As WebSocketClient
Dim st As Stream
Private Sub AppStart
'Connect to wifi as normal ssd and pword etc
    wsc.Initialize("incoming","loggedOff")  ' routines to handle the data we get or handle disconnection
    ' set up with stream, web address, the port, the path for the server handler
    wsc.ConnectHost(st,"www.myLittleServer.com",80,"/thingy1")    ' connect to the webserver
    ' set up some data we want to send
    Dim datamap() As String = Array As String("key1","data1")
    ' send it to the server
    wsc.SendEventToServer("_getSomething",datamap)  ' run the routine _getSomething on the server with the supplied datamap.
End Sub

' handle the server talking to us
Sub incoming (FunctionName As String, Params() As String)
    ' I guess FunctionName is the routine we call in our app with the data supplied (Params)
     ' do something with FunctionName - possible
End Sub

' handle being disconnected
Sub loggedOff
End Sub

Of course this could all be wrong - I am sure someone can correct it.
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yaniv hanya

Active Member
Licensed User
i can't make it work. i get an error messages-
i tried port 80 and 443...

Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 1 register dump:
PC : 0x400d2f8d PS : 0x00060a30 A0 : 0x800d2555 A1 : 0x3ffb1f00

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry, maybe it needs Erel to cast his eye over it.

It could be that it's only able to interact with a B4J server as you can control exactly what is sent in response. Plus it mentions running a sub on the server, which sort of implies it's a B4J server.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
ok - got them talking now
B4R code
Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private wifi As ESP8266WiFi
    Dim wsc As WebSocketClient
    Dim st As WiFiServerSocket
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    'example of connecting to a local network
    If wifi.Connect2("******", "*******") Then
        Log("Connected to network")
        Log("Failed to connect to network")
    End If

    wsc.Initialize("incoming","loggedOff")  ' routines to handle the data we get or handle disconnection
    Log("after init")
    Log("after host connect")
    ' set up some data we want to send
    Dim datamap() As String = Array As String("key1","data1") ' can use this or just use Array As String(...)
    Log("after datamap")
    ' send it to the server
     ' the function to run on server MUST have an underscore in name   XXXXX_YYYYYY one at the start like _fred won't work
    wsc.SendEventToServer("hello_there",Array As String("key1","value1"))  ' run the sub hello_there on the server with the supplied datamap.
    Log("after send to server")
End Sub

Sub connect(unused As Byte)
    ' the sneaky st.Socket.Stream caught me out - stop hiding things so deep   lol
    If wsc.ConnectHost(st.Socket.Stream,"" , 51042, "/test") Then   ' must be real address of server
        Log("Connection failed")
        CallSubPlus("Connect", 1000, 0)
    End If
End Sub

public Sub incoming (FunctionName As String, Params() As String)

' handle the server talking to us

    ' I guess FunctionName is the routine we call in our app with the data supplied (Params)
    ' do something with FunctionName  eg if FunctionName = "doThis" then doThis(Params)

End Sub

' handle being disconnected
public Sub loggedOff

'Sub loggedOff
End Sub

B4J Code for socket - pretty standard ws handler
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
    Private ws As WebSocket
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize

End Sub

Private Sub WebSocket_Connected (WebSocket1 As WebSocket)
    ws = WebSocket1
    Log("Arduino connected")
    Main.tme = Me ' not sure what this does ???
End Sub

public Sub hello_there (data As Map)
    Log("in hello")
    ' what we send to the arduino - FunctionName then the data
    ws.RunFunction("servTalk", Array As String("arduino_led", "True"))
End Sub

Private Sub WebSocket_Disconnected
    Log("Arduino disconnected")
End Sub

B4J main server code
Sub Process_Globals
    Private srvr As Server
    Public tme As testMe
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    srvr.Port = 51042
    srvr.AddWebSocket("/test", "testMe")
End Sub

log from B4R


Log from server
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