What causes the WM to "Force-removing child win"?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi All,

I'm (ab)using OpenGL now to show fireworks, and getting a strange message when orientation changes.

If I don't have a gl surface view created, I see <pause><create><resume> events in logcat when orientation changes.

When there is a gl surface view, I'm seeing <pause>CRASH<create><resume>. The CRASH is shown at crash log for glsv orientation change - Pastebin.com

The pause/resume code is at Sub Activity_Resume Log("r1") If bShowFireworks Then Log("r2") glsv. - Pastebin.com

The heart of the crash is the message from the Window Manager:
Force-removing child win Window{41a10788 AtchDlg:...}

This causes a cascade of errors after this.

Any idea what could make a Window Manager kill a child window? More importantly how do I prevent it?



Licensed User
Longtime User
Ah, I found it.

Immediately after I added the glsv surface view to my activity, I was initialising the images I'd be using.

In the create, I was adding the glsv surface view, but I was not re-initialising the images.

In the glsv_SurfaceChanged function it calls LoadImages, which assumes the GLImage object is initialised, and in this case it wasn't.

Clear as mud, I expect, but it worked.

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