What do you think about bitcoin,litecoin ? Do they have a feature or it is just a baloon ?
It depends on how much faith you have in your government's currency and your banking system.
You need to ask the people in India who had their 500 & 1000 rupee notes deemed worthless by the government 2 weeks ago whether it was a good idea to invest in Bitcoin last year. Exchanging their currency at the bank takes hours waiting in line and you can only redeem a small amount at a time. If you cannot prove you paid tax on the money you are redeeming, the bank confiscates it. It is estimated the government got to confiscate trillions rupees that was in circulation. Last week the same Indian government started confiscating some of the people's gold jewelry, which is in abundant supply in India. They have implemented strict rules on how much gold a person in India can possess. The price of gold in India shot up temporarily to over $2200/oz last week. All of this chaos has occurred in the past 3 weeks. The Indian government is after money, and a lot of it. You have to ask yourself why? Why now?
Ask the people in Venezuela who are undergoing inflation rates of over 700% this year whether they should have put their money in Bitcoin last year? Next year their inflation rate is expected to top 1600%. Their paper currency has turned into toilet paper. 6 months ago the people of Venezuela could no longer feed their pets so they let them loose. Their neighbors who were also starving would trap them and eat them. Their zoo was broken into by roving crowds and they killed and ate a prize stallion, the only horse of its kind in the country. Other zoo animals were consumed for food. Yesterday the Venezuelan government called out the national guard to try and stop the violence. It is a little late for that. A single silver dollar can buy a months food in Venezuela. Had the population divested themselves of their fiat paper currency for real money like gold & silver or Bitcoin, many could have been saved.
And what about you? How does this affect you? It is happening over there, not over here. So we're safe, right? Not so fast.
Most people don't realize the implications of the Banker Bail-in Laws that were passed by the U.S., Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand in 2012 and 2013. There are no more bail-outs for the banks. Instead there will be bail-ins. What's the difference you ask? A bail-out is where the government bails out the banks with taxpayer money to keep the banks solvent, which is what happened in 2008. A bail-in is where the bank if it is about to fail, can legally default on its bond holders and pay them a fraction of what they are owed. The bank at its discretion, can also seize money from depositors's accounts. That's right, they can take money out of your savings account, checking accounts, and CD's too. They will replace it with worthless bank stock. If you think this can't happen, well it already did in Cyprus 3 years ago. Depositors in Cyprus took a hair cut of around 44%. That includes business accounts. Many businesses had to layoff employees or close their doors because the banks took their money. This wasn't just one bank in Cyprus, but all banks in Cyprus. If you had money in a Cyprus bank, you lost 44% of it. The rest of your money could only be withdrawn in small amounts at a time, and only if you waited in long lines at the ATM.
The German government wants to bail-out Deutsche Bank because it is insolvent. It lost billions of euros last quarter. Its stock price is down 90% from what it was 18 months ago. The ECB wants to enact the banker bail-in clause so the bank can default on their bonds and possibly seize customer's accounts. If this happens, it will create a bank run on other European banks. BTW, Deutsche Bank is sitting on $42 Trillion in derivatives that will unwind (blow up) if it goes under. It will be Lehman Bros times 5! This will take down the European banking system and the American banks as well. The banks will fall like dominoes.
Pension funds around the world are tied up in bank bonds like those issued by Deutsche Bank because they were considered safe. If there is a banker bail-in many pension funds will be hurt and distributions will have to be cut. People may have to survive on only half of their monthly pension. This is going to be impossible with a high inflation rate. The German government wants to do a bail-out and avoid bank runs, but this means using public money. Angela Merkel is up for re-election next year and a bail-out will nix her chances of getting re-elected. Several of the largest Italian banks are also insolvent and needs billions in money to stay afloat. Portugal, Spain and France are not far behind. The ECB may have to step in and print tens (hundreds?) of billions of Euros to save the European banking system, which of course will devalue the Euro and will cause inflation.
Most people think their bank accounts are insured from loss. FDIC in the U.S. insures bank deposits up to $250,000. At least that's what people think. But that's not quite true. There is approximately $10 Trillion sitting on deposit in customer accounts in the U.S. in their savings and checking accounts etc.. The FDIC has only $40 billion in cash to insure this amount. So you can see the insurance coverage is woefully inadequate with a coverage of only 0.4%. A single large bank failure can bankrupt the FDIC. Yes they can get bailed out, but that means printing a lot money. CitiGroup and Bank of America are two Wall Street banks that are technically insolvent.
But it gets worse. The Omnibus bill that passed by Congress in December 2014 allowed Wall Street derivatives to be insured by the FDIC. That's right. Taxpayers are on the hook for the Wall Street derivatives to the tune of over $70 Trillion. How can it get any worse than this? Well, it can. During a banking collapse, the derivatives are paid off first, leaving the depositor (you and me) out in the cold. So your bank accounts are not really insured if there is a major banking collapse.
The way I see it we have two problems facing us. A banking collapse and a currency collapse. If major banks collapse and the government does a bail-out, it devalues the currency. If they do a bail-in, the depositors can lose a lot of their money.
Now you may ask yourself, if you are still reading this, what does this have to do with Bitcoin? When a banking collapse or currency collapse occurs, people will flee to safer forms of money, namely physical gold and silver that they can keep in their possession. But the supply of physical gold and silver will dry up within hours of such a collapse and the price will skyrocket. But people still need to get rid of their fiat currency will have to turn to other places like Bitcoin, which will send the price soaring. They will put their fiat money into anything that has intrinsic value. Those with lots of fiat paper will choose gold and silver first, followed by Bitcoin and its derivatives. Those without a lot of money will choose food and consumer staples. Those who do nothing, well, these will be the people who chase after pets or form roving gangs that break into stores and clean them out in the first couple of weeks of panic.
So is BitCoin a scam? I would prefer to invest in physical gold or silver myself. But BitCoin is less of a scam than fiat currency and less of a scam than the banking system. People are blatantly ignorant of where money comes from and this is by design. If people discovered how fiat currency is made or how the banking system worked, there would be a revolution tomorrow.
P.S. If you think BitCoin is a scam, why has Wall Street developed their own blockchain currency that will compete with BitCoin?
I hope this has helped someone. If not, well, I've wasted an hour of my time.