What is your Store listing performance


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As google added new dimension to developer console I am curious to find out your app performance regarding app page and visitors .
This meter reflects your store listing description , icons , snapshots, videos and the interest on app

Here is how my apps perform (DATA for 7 days):
Hsw voice lite: 30% 1237 visitors on page with 374 installs
Fonetica trabahador : 13% 166 visitors/22 installs
Easy cad dymensions 20 % 25visitors/ 5 installs
HSW voice pro: 33% 1324 visitors/300 installs
Safecracker 28% 423 visitors/119 installs
Shopping list 5% 263/14
Whorm alphabet 21% 197 visitors/42 installs

Average : 21%

Option is found just under statistic in developer console so please share your visitors/installs conversion !
Thank you !


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Thanks, I didn't know that was there. I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to marketing. I'll list my apps with a month of data since 7 days wouldn't be enough in most of my cases.

Bitcoin Watcher, 2%, 154 visitors, 3 installs
Cryptsy Alert!, 30%, 76 visitors, 23 installs
Math Invasion free, 0%, 7 visitors, 0 installs
Mouse Wayz, 16%, 85 visitors, 14 installs. I think the installs are all friends/family on this one
Space Wars, 0%, 779, 1 install. Maybe because it costs 99 cents?


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This sounds interesting, but it seems to be hiding right under my nose…

If I go to my Google Play Developer Console, the upper left-hand corner looks something like this:


I don't see anything on the page that says "Statistic", but if I click on reports it gives me a statistics choice which then leads me to four choices for downloading CSV files. I don't see anything in any of the CSV files that indicates "visitors".

Can you describe how to find information?



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I think I may have found it.

In the Developer Console you first need to click on an application. On the page that opens, in the second column from the left, Click on "User Acquisition".

My numbers run about the same as yours – the best apps are 30%, some in the high teens, a few are lucky to be 0%.



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Cool hadn't notice that feature yet. One of my apps is 1462 visitors with 607 installs (42%) last 7 days. Seems like a good conversion rate.

Other tools I highly recommend are the apps Andlytics (provides many stats, ratings, sales, etc), as well as Appmonger (sales figures)