Text To Speech (TTS)
Hi, I believe it's like this but anyone is welcome to correct me if I'm wrong.
When you go to Settings>System>Language & Input Settings>Voice Input & output settings there is a Text-to-speech Settings
in here you'll see the installed 'engines' one of which is the one that comes default with the device and this is the Pico TTS but to use it you first have to 'Install voice data' and choose a language and you have to set it to be the default engine.
Personally I think Ivona is much better, clearer and at the moment, while in beta it's free but the Pico TTS is good.
Erel made an absolutely brilliant test program for TTS (Text To Speech) here:
I expect you saw this while doing research for your app but to all others reading this, you should definitely load it up.
Also, try hooking your device up to some external speakers, it sounds even awsomer