B4R Question Where is the ESP32 File?

Gerardo Tenreiro

Active Member
Licensed User
I have an application made in B4R for some cards that use an ESP32 and are intended to be mass-produced.

My Client wants to connect the card to the USB port and from an application (Possibly made in B4J) the ESP32 software is transferred to the card.
The first problem is where the ESP32 program is in B4R.
Second is how the program is transferred via serial port to the ESP32?

Does anyone have any idea where to start?

Thank you so much


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1) With the new version of b4r the .bin file is saved in the apropriate folder Arduino 2.x Software Selects. Search for it in Google.
2) I think this can be done through the Arduino CLI. Search for it in Google also.
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