usually it means that you are using an outdated lib with code that calls for newer functions/methods... been a while so I may be wrongHi,
I edited the old question about Arduilo CLI because it was solved, and I wanted to save space and bandwidth and post another question in the same space.
what is the meaning of this message?
View attachment 155754
usually it means that you are using an outdated lib with code that calls for newer functions/methods... been a while so I may be wrong
' Initialize the pin and timing
Sub Process_Globals
Private ledPin As Pin
Private Timer1 As Timer
Private ledState As Boolean = False ' Variable to keep track of LED state
End Sub
Sub AppStart
' Initialize the LED pin
ledPin.Initialize(13, ledPin.MODE_OUTPUT)
' Initialize the Timer
Timer1.Initialize("Timer1_Tick", 500) ' 500 milliseconds interval
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub Timer1_Tick
' Toggle the LED state
ledState = Not(ledState)
If ledState Then
ledPin.DigitalWrite(True) ' Set the pin to HIGH
ledPin.DigitalWrite(False) ' Set the pin to LOW
End If
End Sub
that tells me that is Arduino IDE related... fire it up and find the libs management... update as needed
that's B4r, I mean the arduino IDE...
B4r, when compiling, call the arduino IDE and it's dependencies to translate the code into Native code ... like a translator... so if you are using words that are not in the translator dictionary...
Sorry dont get it! Them what? If I may ask.would you please mark one of them as the solution, thanks