whish - autosave


Licensed User
Longtime User
autosave / autoexport the project periodically if something has changed, every x minutes

Also add a timestamp or a counter to the ZIP file, for example:

when using this together with something like Dropbox you will have a continious versioning\backup of your sourcecode


Roger Garstang

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I like this idea. I use Dropbox too and end up just zipping in Explorer and renaming since I have to do part of it there already I might as well zip there too. Would be more useful to do it right from the IDE. For better sorting and smaller names I just rename to YYYYMMDDProjectName.zip since I just backup before leaving work, but YYYYMMDDHHmmProjectName.zip would work too.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I like this idea. I use Dropbox too and end up just zipping in Explorer and renaming since I have to do part of it there already I might as well zip there too. Would be more useful to do it right from the IDE. For better sorting and smaller names I just rename to YYYYMMDDProjectName.zip since I just backup before leaving work, but YYYYMMDDHHmmProjectName.zip would work too.

yes...but you can use tools like autover to create copies of your projects-this tool just copies everything that you have changed to your dropbox folder (or any other other folder)
Beans Place: AutoVer
maybe useful ..
