Android Question Why does my webview cause my scrollview to jump to the bottom?


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When I load a long (tall) webview in a scrollview, and click somewhere on the webview, the scrollview jumps to the bottom of the webview! Why is this? This is an "about" scrollview and simply has a bitmap at the top and a webview below that. I have tried many things to fix this but can't seem to nail it. I don't understand it. What can one do to fix this?

Can anyone please help me. Thanks in advance!


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Longtime User
Hi NJ. Here is the main code...

Sub Globals
    Dim scvAbout As ScrollView
    Dim pnlAbout As Panel
    Dim WebView6 As WebView
    Dim Label1 As Label
    Dim btnAboutOK As Button
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    If FirstTime Then
    End If
    scvAbout.Panel.Height = pnlAbout.Height
    Dim DarkGrey As Int = Colors.RGB(43,43,43)
    Dim LightGrey As Int = Colors.RGB(204,204,204)
    pnlAbout.Color = DarkGrey
    WebView6.Color = Colors.ARGB(255,43,43,43)
    scvAbout.ScrollPosition = 0 'set position to the top
End Sub

I can't see anything wrong with it. I have also included the scrollview test zip if you have a chance to see what may be wrong. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S2 480x800 screen size. Thanks for trying to help!


    70.7 KB · Views: 203
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi NJ. The about was in the files folder when I zipped it. I thought it would be included automatically. Attached is the about.html. Thanks again. :)


    984 bytes · Views: 193
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For future reference, you don't have to zip the file manually, you have to use the IDE to export it, click on FILE -> Export As ZIP, that will include everything.

I'll take a look at your code later in the day.
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Thanks NJ. I did use the IDE to export it, but as it was not included in the files section of the IDE, it was not included in the zip file that the IDE generated (well that's how I reason). I also thought it would include everything, but it didn't. Maybe because I have an older ver of B4A. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to look at it.
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I see you have an older version of B4A, so, you will get an error when you open the attached project, which is your own code with some modifications.

You should also use the designer scripts to create your layouts to make them scale correctly on different devices, otherwise you will see problems like this on TABLETS or LARGE SCREEN PHONES.


    71.1 KB · Views: 189
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Hi NJ. Thanks for all your trouble so far. I will follow your advice on the designer scripts but later. Anyway... I have imported the project manually (old ver of B4A) as it would not load the .bal files in the designer. I see that you are re-running a designer script which seems to be a key in solving this problem of mine. I cannot read the About.bal file which contains the (designer script) that you created as your B4A is newer. Can you please post just the code lines that you used in the designer script so that I can add them into the proj manually. Thanks.
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Longtime User
Ok, on your layouts, I got rid of the variants you had and used a 320 x 480, and I added this code to the ABOUT layout designer scripts.
pnlAbout.Height = 100%y
btnAboutOK.Bottom = 100%y - 10dip
WebView6.SetTopAndBottom(imgHikers.Bottom + 10dip, btnAboutOK.Top - 10dip)
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