Why is it not recommended to gaze at the sun during solar eclipse.. the sun is hidden behind the moon, so actually you're looking at the moon not the sun.
For the brief "totality" (when you are in the totality zone and when it goes completely dark, which only lasts a few minutes), it is safe to look at sun behind the moon for just that brief period of darkness between the first and second "Diamond Rings":
I had the most stupid conversation years ago with a housemate about this. They were totally convinces that if you look at the sun directly without sunglasses on, you'll go blind.
And even when you tell them you've looked at the sun many times without sunglasses on and haven't gone blind, they still stick to their argument that looking at the sun makes you blind.
When I was a child.. about 6-9, I was looking directly to the son, and enjoy the glowing ultra-white silver and a perfect circlar shape. I am sure someone wouldn't beleive that, but I only beleive my eyes and experience. Today I can, and am doing the same if I wanted but not as long time as before.. only a few seconds.
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