WIN10 problems for the first time (was a hdd problem -> solved)


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Longtime User
Yesterday my beloved laptop's WIN10 had some serious issues out of the sudden (was running 5 years without a single problem):

- boths disks still worked (ssd & hdd)

but it

- didn't want to shutdown (button/menue)
- disk management didn't start (then I had an idea what could be wrong)
- Checkdisk (via disk->properties) didn't start :mad:

The solution was:

1. Start a command line / Windows Powershell (as admin)
2. execute chkdsk c: /f /r (or other drive)
3. wait for 2-3 hours (can take longer, just be patient)
4. all working fine again

In my case it was the 2nd drive D: which caused that behaviour. Windows seems to wait for all drives to be ready until it gives you any options. Funny thing: Even drive D: was read/writable an behaving "normal" before the repair.


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Longtime User
Btw, this just happened to one of my work computers, except that even chkdsk could not help. Currently in process to move whatever I can to new hard drive. In your case I would keep a close eye on D and be prepared to replace it. Better sooner than after it has completely failed


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Longtime User
Yesterday I closed my laptop (single SSD drive) and today I had to redo all B4A paths...
Weird stuff going on!


Well-Known Member
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Not that I believe in coincidence but over this week the W10 on this laptop has been doing mini-freezes with non responsive keyboard. Scanned in various ways but nothing found. Lenovo hardware scan looks Ok too.

Maybe its a message from Bill...... but its irritating the Force