WinCE5 develop


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Longtime User
Hi Guys....
I've been launched a myself...

I have a GPS device wich is now obsolete and I cannot get any support for it or update the MAPs...
I've been searching the eter and found ou that this is a WinCE5.0 running device...
So my question is this:

Is it possible to create a button that sits on top of any other Form?


Licensed User
Longtime User
:confused: I think you need to explain in a bit more detail what you want and why it is relevant to WinCE 5.0.

OK, so...
I have a Magellan Maestro 3100 GPS device...
My current MAPS date from 2005...and Magellan has no new maps for my device as this has been discontinued last year.

I've found a few links in the Net, in wich a few guys hve managed to enter a hidden menu, and were able to alter the way the device loads, so instead of launching directly to the GPS app is goes to an App/Task manager...
So, I was hopping to be able to create my own front-end App/Task manager, but once the GPS native app starts, I cannot kill it, unless I enter the hidden menu, wich takes 6 screen taps...
On the move, this is an impossible task, so I thoughtof creating a "Close" button that would alway be on Top and active for this app only...
The button and other stuff, is straight foward but how to make this button sit on Top of a running app, and allow that app to act/react as normal?


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Longtime User
Did you find Step 1 back up all of the orignal files on the Magellan? It tells you how to get it to boot into a File Manager. I don't think you will be able to program it yourself as it doesn't have, and probably won't run, the Compact Framework but you could try installing it and see what happens. You would need to copy the WinCE5.0 CF2.0 cab,, to it as it doesn't support ActiveSync, and hope it includes the CAB installer. It may all be more trouble than it's worth!


Licensed User
Longtime User
That is one of the threads I've been fallowing...
In one of then , a guy managed to place a button that does more of less what I want, but it is not customizable, and it only hides the app, it doesnt kill it...