Android Question Wipe device


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For some request - the device wiping is needed.
Seems, my code is working, but ... how to test ? :)
The MEMU emulator does nothing.
Android emulator, seems, requests SD-card re-formatting in the notification area.
How to be sure that the full wipe is real ?

Maybe anyone has real old device that can be reset to factory settings for test ? :)
If you have, try, please:

1) compile and start the app, the project is attached.

2) set the app as the device owner: start the command manually by ADB
"adb shell dpm set-device-owner b4a.wipexample/anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.AdminReceiver2"
NOTE: this setting is forever (up to factory reset), cannot be unchecked in the Device Admin settings.
NOTE2: do not set the app as default launcher.


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