Probably worth, putting this at the bottom of the list Erel, but if you do get the chance, these will save hundreds of lines of code.
for example:
Dim Path1 as Path
Dim Path2 as Path
path1.Subtract(path2 as path) 'subtract path2 from path1
path1.Add(path2 as path) - Not too sure about this? would they have to intersect?
path1.initialize2(Rect1 as Rect) 'generate a path from a rect
or just: path1.Shift(DistanceToShift as INT, angle), move the path DistanceToShift at angle.
I'm just wishing below:
path1.initializeAsOval(Rect1 as Rect,Angle as Float) 'generate an oval path from a rect
path1.scale(CenterX as Int, CenterY as Int, ScaleFactor as Float) 'scale
path1.rotate(CenterX as Int, CenterY as Int, Angle as Float) ' rotate
Either way, you can get around these, it just needs strong maths skills and several lines of code.
for example:
Dim Path1 as Path
Dim Path2 as Path
path1.Subtract(path2 as path) 'subtract path2 from path1
path1.Add(path2 as path) - Not too sure about this? would they have to intersect?
path1.initialize2(Rect1 as Rect) 'generate a path from a rect
or just: path1.Shift(DistanceToShift as INT, angle), move the path DistanceToShift at angle.
I'm just wishing below:
path1.initializeAsOval(Rect1 as Rect,Angle as Float) 'generate an oval path from a rect
path1.scale(CenterX as Int, CenterY as Int, ScaleFactor as Float) 'scale
path1.rotate(CenterX as Int, CenterY as Int, Angle as Float) ' rotate
Either way, you can get around these, it just needs strong maths skills and several lines of code.
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