WISH: To allow lib makers to upload files larger then the current forum limit


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Longtime User
I have seen a few times where a library maker had to upload his files to a third-party file hosting service because they were too large to upload directly to this forum.

An excellent example is this great MSMaterialDrawer library (and aux libs) from thedesolatesoul:


A LOT of the files for this thread are located in the link mentioned below:

"Demo apk + Source: See here"

I think it would be very helpful if the upload limit for this forum could be increased to allow these files to be hosted in the forum instead - I am concerned that B4x users may loose access to valuable libraries like this if something happens to the external file host (such as the account expired, ect.)


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Longtime User
I understand what you are saying, however if you have ever been a webmaster you will understand that that storage space / download bandwidth becomes a costly issue.