Wordsearch App -- Looking for a Developer within B4x Community


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A long time ago i had a developer outside the community develop one and to say the least it did not suit my needs.

I have been looking to develop one through example code and tutorials but in the end time is a problem.

I'm looking for some quotes.

I have attached a basic sample of what i would like to see.

Anything developed would need to be easy to update(add puzzles, options) But this can be discussed as it might be easy to have all the bells and whistles where i just add puzzles monthly.

Please PM me the quotes/timeline so i can start private discussions.


  • Playwordsearch.zip
    101.3 KB · Views: 298


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Longtime User

After some time the project stalled out.

I'm re-open to discussions and bids

Please PM me if interested in doing this project,

This might not be a one off relationship i may have others behind it.