B4J Question WSS connection failed


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I tried this testcode :

test wss:
Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Private MainForm As Form
    Private ws As WebSocketClient
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
    Dim PagesManager As B4XPagesManager
    'accept all trust manager
    Dim ssl As JavaObject
    ssl.InitializeNewInstance("org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory", Array(True))
    Dim jo As JavaObject = ws
    Dim wsc As JavaObject
    wsc.InitializeNewInstance("org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.client.WebSocketClient", Array(ssl))
    jo.SetField("wsc", wsc)
    Wait For ws_Connected
End Sub

'Template version: B4J-1.0
#Region Delegates
Sub MainForm_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub MainForm_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
    B4XPages.Delegate.MainForm_Resize(Width, Height)
End Sub

Sub MainForm_Closed
End Sub

Sub MainForm_CloseRequest (EventData As Event)
End Sub

Public Sub MainForm_IconifiedChanged (Iconified As Boolean)
End Sub
#End Region

But have errors... see below



Licensed User
Longtime User
I still don't get it to work, this sample, simple program !
The code from the jWebSocketClient v2 accept all certificates post works right out of the box for me.
Same here
I'd suggest you export your app as a zip file (Filemenu>Export As Zip) and post the zip here.
That would have been truly helpful from the beginning, since we may be chasing ghosts here.

Note: I've just updated B4J from 10 beta#2 to the release. I already have JDK 11 and 14 installed (all provided from b4x.com's site using the instructions from b4x.com. The example (after copying the source above to a new project - again, a posted project would have been simpler), updating the internal library folder (in my case C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4J\Libraries) and the internal jserver folder (in my case C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4J\Libraries\jserver) AND refreshing the libraries in the Libraries tab of the IDE, the sample compiled without issues and ran without issues.

Here's the app's log output:
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