Android Question xCustomListView pressed color not working


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I am using xCustomListView with the CustomLayoutDialog as in the example somewhere in this forum.

Trouble is, the pressed color doesn't do anything. I even added it in code, and no difference. So when I tap on an item, or hold it, there is no feedback as nothing changes. Not sure why.


CLVDialog is declared in the globals

            'Display all of the available scoreboards that we can connect to.
            Dim ScoreboardDialog As CustomLayoutDialog
            ScoreboardDialog.ShowAsync("Choose Scoreboard", "", "", "", Null, True)                'Initialize the dialog to be displayed
            ScoreboardDialog.SetSize(60%x, 400dip)
            Wait For Dialog_Ready(pnl As Panel)
            pnl.LoadLayout("CustomDialogLayout")                                                'Load the layout which contains the list view.
            CLVDialog.PressedColor = Colors.ARGB(255, 0x7E, 0xB4, 0xFA)


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is the click event working?
If no, then you have the answer.

Yes, it is:

               Wait For CLVDialog_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
              Log("Selected item: " & Value)

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Does the custom layout dialog file has a panel that covering the background?


i mean this layout

No, the layout is simply containing the CustomListView:

This is the entire code block, thats it:
            'Display all of the available scoreboards that we can connect to. 
            Dim ScoreboardDialog As CustomLayoutDialog
            ScoreboardDialog.ShowAsync("Choose Scoreboard", "", "", "", Null, True)                'Initialize the dialog to be displayed
            ScoreboardDialog.SetSize(60%x, 400dip)
            Wait For Dialog_Ready(pnl As Panel)
            pnl.LoadLayout("CustomDialogLayout")                                                'Load the layout which contains the list view.
            CLVDialog.PressedColor = Colors.ARGB(255, 0x7E, 0xB4, 0xFA)
            'Lets sort through the available scoreboards and determine which ones are applicable to us. 
            Dim SportIdentified As Boolean = False
            For I = 0 To ConfigDB.NumScoreboards-1    'Loop through each retrieved scoreboard from the database 
                SportIdentified = False
                If ConfigDB.Scoreboards(I).Sport <> "" And ConfigDB.Scoreboards(I).Sport.Contains(",") = True Then     'We need to make sure we have proper sport configurations. 
                    Dim Sports() As String = Regex.Split(",", ConfigDB.Scoreboards(i).Sport)        'Grab all supported sport types. 
                    For Each Sport As String In Sports            'Iterate through the array of available sport IDs
                        If Common.Val(Sport) = ScoreEngine.GameOptions.Sport Then     'Bingo we have a sport that we are compatible with to operate in. 
                            SportIdentified = True
                            Exit    'Exit the iteration. 
                        End If
                End If
                'Once we have a scoreboard that has a compatible sport, we need to add this scoreboard into the list of available scoreboards. 
                If SportIdentified = True Then 
                    If ConfigDB.Scoreboards(I).InUse = True Then     'The scoreboard is already in-use. 
                        CLVDialog.AddTextItem(ConfigDB.Scoreboards(I).FriendlyName & " - IN USE", I)
                    Else    'Scoreboard is available for use. 
                        CLVDialog.AddTextItem(ConfigDB.Scoreboards(I).FriendlyName, I)
                    End If
                End If
            If CLVDialog.Size = 0 Then 'We didn't find any compatible scoreboards
                MsgboxAsync("There are currently no available scoreboards configured for your sport that you have selected. Please try again", "No compatible scoreboards found")
            End If
               Wait For CLVDialog_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
              Log("Selected item: " & Value)
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Addtextitem should allow the pressed color to be visible. The only way that can cause such behavior as far as i know when adding using additem and that layout that loaded to the item panel has a background panel in the layout file.
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Addtextitem should allow the pressed color to be visible. The only way that can cause such behavior as far as i know when adding using additem and that layout that loaded to the item panel has a background panel in the layout file.

Well, I am using only addtextitem, not doing anything special other than that. I am lost as to whats going on. I also showed the screenshot of the layout file I am loading, the only control in there is the CLV.

I wonder if its a bug with CustomLayoutDialog?
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Was going to switch and try B4XDialog, but I dont know how to center it. since the CustomLayoutDialog is auto-centered.
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