Android Question xResizeAndCrop Scale Hight & Width


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is it possible to adjust the width automatically to the height in a conscience proportion? And that this automatically goes with?

So almost like the square function. Only the choice is not square but 9 to 16.

Percent, the height and width should be that of Full HD So height 1920 and width 1080.

But if the image has a width of 2000 and a height of 549, he should automatically adjust the percentage down, so that the proportion of Full HD corresponds, only in a smaller resolution.

Thanks for Help :)

i have tryd with:

                If mSquare = False Then
                    If Abs(DeltaX) >= Abs(DeltaY) Then
                        Delta = DeltaX
                        Delta = DeltaY
                    End If
'                    Log(Delta & " / " & DeltaX & " / " & DeltaY)
'                    Delta = Max(Abs(DeltaX), Abs(DeltaY))
                    If fTopLeft = True Then
                        If rLeft + Delta > imvImage.Left And rTop + Delta > ximvImage.Top Then
                            x1 = rLeft + Delta
                            y1 = rTop + Delta
                            If rectImage.Right - x1 >= mMinCroppedWidth And rectImage.Bottom - y1 >= mMinCroppedHeight Then
                                rectImage.Left = x1
                                rectImage.Top = y1
                                rectImage.Left = rectImage.Right - mMinCroppedWidth
                                rectImage.Top = rectImage.Bottom - mMinCroppedHeight
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If fTopRight = True And DeltaX <> 0 Then
                        Sign = DeltaY / Abs(DeltaY)
                        If Abs(DeltaX) >= Abs(DeltaY) Then
                            Delta = Abs(DeltaX) * Sign
                            Delta = DeltaY
                        End If
                        If rTop + Delta > imvImage.Top And rRight - Delta < imvImage.Left + imvImage.Width Then
                            x1 = rRight - Delta
                            y1 = rTop + Delta
                            If rectImage.Bottom - y1 >= mMinCroppedHeight And rectImage.Bottom - y1 >= mMinCroppedHeight Then
                                rectImage.Top = y1
                                rectImage.Right = x1
                                rectImage.Top = rectImage.Bottom - mMinCroppedHeight
                                rectImage.Right = rectImage.Left + mMinCroppedWidth
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If

                    If fBottomLeft = True Then
                        Sign = DeltaY / Abs(DeltaY)
                        If Abs(DeltaX) >= Abs(DeltaY) Then
                            Delta = Abs(DeltaX) * Sign
                            Delta = DeltaY
                        End If
                        If rBottom + Delta < imvImage.Top + imvImage.Height And rLeft - Delta > imvImage.Left Then
                            y1 = rBottom + Delta
                            x1 = rLeft - Delta
                            If y1 - rectImage.Top > mMinCroppedHeight And rectImage.Right - x1 >= mMinCroppedWidth Then
                                rectImage.Bottom = y1
                                rectImage.Left = x1
                                rectImage.Bottom = rectImage.Top + mMinCroppedHeight
                                rectImage.Left = rectImage.Right - mMinCroppedWidth
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If fBottomRight = True Then
                        If rBottom + Delta < imvImage.Top + imvImage.Height And rRight + Delta < imvImage.Left + imvImage.Width Then
                            y1 = rBottom + Delta
                            x1 = rRight + Delta
                            If y1 - rectImage.Top > mMinCroppedHeight And x1 - rectImage.Left >= mMinCroppedWidth Then
                                rectImage.Bottom = y1 * 1.777777777777778
                                rectImage.Right = x1
                                rectImage.Bottom = rectImage.Top + mMinCroppedHeight
                                rectImage.Right = rectImage.Left + mMinCroppedWidth
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
End If

Editet is: rectImage.Bottom = y1 * 1.777777777777778

The first time you resize it works. The second time errors occur


I have found a easy way^^

If fBottomRight = True Then
                        If rBottom + Delta < imvImage.Top + imvImage.Height And rRight + Delta < imvImage.Left + imvImage.Width Then
                            y1 = rBottom + Delta
                            x1 = rRight + Delta
                            If y1 - rectImage.Top > mMinCroppedHeight And x1 - rectImage.Left >= mMinCroppedWidth Then
                                If Firstclick = "OK" Then
                                    rectImage.Bottom = y1
                                    rectImage.Bottom = y1 * 1.777777777777778
                                End If
                                rectImage.Right = x1
                                rectImage.Bottom = (rectImage.Top + mMinCroppedHeight)
                                rectImage.Right = rectImage.Left + mMinCroppedWidth
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If


Case xpnlAction.TOUCH_ACTION_UP
            rLeft = rectImage.Left
            rTop = rectImage.Top
            rRight = rectImage.Right
            rBottom = rectImage.Bottom
            If Firstclick = "" Then
                    Firstclick = "OK"
            End If
            If xui.SubExists(mCallBack, mEventName & "_CropFinished", 0) Then
                CallSubDelayed(mCallBack, mEventName & "_CropFinished")
            End If
    End Select

Only the proportions are not right but that works too :)
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
The xResizeAndCrop CustomView and b4xlib have been updated to version 1.2.

Added WidthHeightRatio and WidthHeightRatioValue properties
defining fixed or custom Width / Height ratios for the cropped image
Added RotateImage method, original image rotation.
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