Android Question Z-Wave


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Hi, any tip about how to use Z-Wave with B4a?

I'want to purchase an Android device with built in Z-Wave controller that receive and transmitte commands.

If they provide an API in Java for Android can be ported to B4a?

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I haven´t seen any library regarding Z-Wave so far
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A lot of motherboards for Android comes with built in z-wave receiver/sender...

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Hi, can you explain little more about z-wave ?. It seems that the frequency is 900 mhz , so you need a gateway to connect the Android device with the home, an I wrong?
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Hi CyberoxInc , I think that there is not a good idea to implement a Z-Wave controller into an andoid device , but the androi device have only to comunicate with the controller so you can build a graphical interface but if the andoid device crash the home continue to work !
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