Here are 3 subs that work in both B4A and B4i to dial the phone, open text, and open mail using the default apps. They will not work out of the box as they contain code that is getting text which is particular to my app but they should be a good start.
Some of this I had a hard time figuring out - mostly the ios sms stuff. I couldn't find it here. There was a lot of stuff about opening a messaging program but nothing I could find to just open the default app and sending the phone # and text. And there was a lot of figuring out to do. There is probably a way to do attachments as well but I don't need it. If someone want to figure that out and add it that would be great.
The Android was pretty straightforward but the ios is done with URLS and they can't contain spaces and if there are spaces it just fails with no error. Spaces, CRLFs, etc. have to be replaced. Take a look at the sms for how to replace whitespace.
Edit: You need to add the code to remove any whitespace from phone numbers as well. I know, you think, "but ios doesn't allow spaces if you use the phone keyboard." but trust me, users WILL find a way - cut and paste the phone from an email, for example.
Note that if a phone number has spaces it will fail in ios as well.
NOTE that I have not replaced everything, and in fact the email app does not replace anything because I didn't happen to need it. For som reason it works with spaces in the subject. The sms i had to replace the spaces in the body - go figure.
Hope these help someone.
(MP is just a reference to the B4XPages MainPage)
Some of this I had a hard time figuring out - mostly the ios sms stuff. I couldn't find it here. There was a lot of stuff about opening a messaging program but nothing I could find to just open the default app and sending the phone # and text. And there was a lot of figuring out to do. There is probably a way to do attachments as well but I don't need it. If someone want to figure that out and add it that would be great.
The Android was pretty straightforward but the ios is done with URLS and they can't contain spaces and if there are spaces it just fails with no error. Spaces, CRLFs, etc. have to be replaced. Take a look at the sms for how to replace whitespace.
Edit: You need to add the code to remove any whitespace from phone numbers as well. I know, you think, "but ios doesn't allow spaces if you use the phone keyboard." but trust me, users WILL find a way - cut and paste the phone from an email, for example.
Note that if a phone number has spaces it will fail in ios as well.
NOTE that I have not replaced everything, and in fact the email app does not replace anything because I didn't happen to need it. For som reason it works with spaces in the subject. The sms i had to replace the spaces in the body - go figure.
Hope these help someone.
(MP is just a reference to the B4XPages MainPage)
Sub EmailLbl_Click
Dim Src As Label = Sender
#If B4A
Dim mailapp As Email
If MP.GroupCmboTxt.EqualsIgnoreCase("Show All") Then
mailapp.Subject = Dlookup("SELECT GroupName FROM PList WHERE ID = " & MP.SelectedUser & ";")
mailapp.Subject = MP.GroupCmboTxt
End If
#ELSE If B4i
If Main.App.CanOpenURL("mailto:") = False Then
MP.xui.MsgboxAsync("Unable to open default email app. Is your email set up?", "Can't Send Email")
Dim su As StringUtils
If MP.GroupCmboTxt.EqualsIgnoreCase("Show All") Then
Main.App.OpenURL($"mailto:?to=${Src.Text}&subject=${su.EncodeUrl(Dlookup("SELECT GroupName FROM PList WHERE ID = " & MP.SelectedUser & ";"), "utf8")}"$)
Main.App.OpenURL($"mailto:?to=${Src.Text}&subject=${su.EncodeUrl(MP.GroupCmboTxt, "utf8")}"$)
End If
End If
#End If
MP.xui.MsgboxAsync($"[plain]${LastException.Message}[/plain]"$, "Error in EmailLbl_Click")
End Try
End Sub
Sub DialNumber(Num As String)
#If B4A
Dim CallReason As String = "In order for this program to dial phone numbers, your permission is required. The next screen will ask for that permission. If you deny permission, then this program can not dial phone numbers for you"
Dim PC As PhoneCalls
Dim RP As RuntimePermissions
If RP.Check(RP.PERMISSION_CALL_PHONE) = False Then 'if no existing phone call permission
MsgboxAsync(CallReason,"Call Permission") 'explain why this apps needs call permission
Wait For MsgBox_Result (Result As Int)
RP.CheckAndRequest(RP.PERMISSION_CALL_PHONE) 'prompt for permission
Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, AskResult As Boolean)
If AskResult = False Then 'user did not give permission
MsgboxAsync("User refused permission, cannot make calls.", "Call Permission")
Return 'abort dial
End If
End If
StartActivity(PC.Call(Num)) 'dial number
#ELSE If B4i
If Main.App.CanOpenUrl("tel:") = False Then
MP.xui.MsgboxAsync("Unable to open phone app.", "Can't open phone")
Num = Num.Replace(" ", "").Trim
End If
#End If
MP.xui.MsgboxAsync($"[plain]${LastException.Message}[/plain]"$, "Error in DialNumber")
End Try
End Sub
Sub SendText(Num As String, Msg As String)
#If B4A
Dim CallReason As String = "In order for this program to send texts, your permission is required. The next screen will ask for that permission. If you deny permission, then this program can not start a text message for you."
Dim RP As RuntimePermissions
If RP.Check(RP.PERMISSION_SEND_SMS) = False Then 'if no existing phone call permission
MsgboxAsync(CallReason, "Texts Permission") 'explain why this apps needs call permission
Wait For MsgBox_Result (Result As Int)
RP.CheckAndRequest(RP.PERMISSION_SEND_SMS) 'prompt for permission
Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, AskResult As Boolean)
If AskResult = False Then 'user did not give permission
MsgboxAsync("User refused permission, cannot start texts.", "Texts Permission")
Return 'abort text
End If
End If
Dim in As Intent
in.Initialize(in.ACTION_VIEW, $"sms:${Num}"$)
If Msg.Length > 0 Then in.PutExtra("sms_body", Msg)
#ELSE If B4i
If Main.App.CanOpenUrl($"sms:"$) = False Then
MP.xui.MsgboxAsync("Unable to open text app.", "Can't open sms")
If Msg.Length > 0 Then Msg = Msg.Replace(" ", "%20")
If Msg.Length > 0 Then Msg = Msg.Replace(CRLF, "%0D%0A")
End If
#End If
MP.xui.MsgboxAsync(LastException.Message, "Error in SendText")
End Try
End Sub
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