Android Question Effect coins


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Hi all.
can anyone give me a hint on how to create a similar effect coins for B4X ( b4a, b4i , b4j )?
- gif ?
- xui2d game ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
It works now and I see the animated gif without doing anything. :) Earlier I just saw a link stating "View Attachment ...." and clicking on it didn't show anything.
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do you need it for a game? are you using any libs?
there are a lot of ways you can do it but it would make sense to use the same libs you are using if it is a game or something else. so more info is needed to give you something.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Ilan.
I would like to understand how to create this type of effect for some of our apps (they are not games). so any library requires use we are ready to do it.
I have seen some of your works, surely you will have an excellent suggestion to give me
Thank you for your replay.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Ilan.
I would like to understand how to create this type of effect for some of our apps (they are not games). so any library requires use we are ready to do it.
I have seen some of your works, surely you will have an excellent suggestion to give me
Thank you for your replay.

ok so if you are not using any special libs i would go for the simple solution (using canvas). give me few minutes please :)
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Longtime User
ok i have something that may be a good start for you.
i will explain a little bit what the code does.

so first i create a type object called coin. inside the code i am running a timer and in the timer event i reset the canvas text, movecoins, drawcoins, updatecoinlist.

so each event has his goal.
the resetcanvas just clear the canvas and draw the 2 texts in it.
the movecoins event goes through the coinlist and update each coin object x,y location + check if the coin has reached his target
the drawcoins event draws each coin in his new updated location and also with the updated frame
the updatelistevent checks if a coin has reachtarget true and if so it removes it from the list

i think this is the best way to draw animations in an activity because like this you have a lot of control about the animation. erels suggestion will always draw the same effect
but again it all depends on what you need.

if you have any question about the code let me know. i did it quick so there could be some improvements. like making it more b4x coded.

#Region  Project Attributes
    #ApplicationLabel: Coin Effect
    #VersionCode: 1
    #VersionName: 0.01
    'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
    #SupportedOrientations: unspecified
    #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

#Region  Activity Attributes
    #FullScreen: False
    #IncludeTitle: False
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Private RenderTimer As Timer
End Sub

Sub Globals
    Type vector(x As Float, y As Float)
    Type coin(x As Float, y As Float, w As Float, h As Float, sprite(8) As Bitmap, frame As Int, seekVec As vector, tag As Object, targetReached As Boolean)  
    Private xui As XUI
    Private myCanvas As B4XCanvas
    Private mainPnl As Panel
    Private TargetPoint As vector
    Private vpW, vpH As Float      
    Private cointsCollected As Int = 0
    Private frames As Int = 0
    Private coinList As List
    Private coinCounter As Int = 0
    Private coinSprite As Bitmap
    Private minimumSpeed As Float
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    vpW = 100%x
    vpH = 100%y

    Activity.Color = Colors.White
    TargetPoint.x = vpW*0.2
    TargetPoint.y = vpH*0.2
    minimumSpeed = vpW*0.002
    RenderTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub RenderTimer_Tick
    frames = frames + 1
End Sub

Sub resteCanvas
    myCanvas.DrawText("Touch the Screen",vpW/2,vpH/2,xui.CreateDefaultFont(18),xui.Color_Black,"CENTER")
End Sub

Sub movecoins
    For Each mycoin As coin In coinList
        Dim stepx As Float = ((TargetPoint.x-mycoin.w)-mycoin.x)/20
        Dim stepy As Float = ((TargetPoint.y-mycoin.h)-mycoin.y)/20
        If stepx < 0 Then stepx = Min(stepx,-minimumSpeed)Else stepx = Max(stepx,minimumSpeed)
        If stepy < 0 Then stepy = Min(stepy,-minimumSpeed)Else stepx = Max(stepy,minimumSpeed)
        mycoin.x = mycoin.x+stepx
        mycoin.y = mycoin.y+stepy
        If mycoin.x<=TargetPoint.x-(mycoin.w/2) And mycoin.y<=TargetPoint.y-(mycoin.h/2) Then
             mycoin.targetReached = True
             cointsCollected = cointsCollected + 1
        End If
End Sub

Sub drawcoins
    For Each mycoin As coin In coinList
        If frames Mod 3 = 0 Then mycoin.frame = (mycoin.frame + 1) Mod mycoin.sprite.Length      
End Sub

Sub updatecoinlist
    For i = coinList.Size-1 To 0 Step -1
        Dim mycoin As coin = coinList.Get(i)
        If mycoin.targetReached Then coinList.RemoveAt(i)
End Sub

Sub createRect(left As Float, top As Float, width As Float, height As Float) As B4XRect
    Dim myrect As B4XRect
    Return myrect
End Sub

Sub mainpnl_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    Select Action
        Case 0 'up
        Case 1 'down
        Case 2 'move
    End Select
End Sub

Sub createNewCoin(posx As Float, posy As Float)
    Dim mycoin As coin
    mycoin.x = posx
    mycoin.y = posy
    mycoin.w = vpW*0.05
    mycoin.h = mycoin.w
    mycoin.seekVec = TargetPoint
    mycoin.tag = coinCounter
    mycoin.frame = 0
    mycoin.targetReached = False
    For x = 0 To mycoin.sprite.Length-1
        Dim width As Float = coinSprite.Width/mycoin.sprite.Length
        Dim left As Float = x * width
        mycoin.sprite(x) = coinSprite.Crop(left,0,width,coinSprite.Height)
    coinCounter = coinCounter + 1
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub

have fun with the code. :)



    33 KB · Views: 208
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Longtime User
(I also sent you a small donation).

are you crazy? this is too much MacroRome. i have never got such a big donation. wow thank you very much this is very much appreciated.
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