Android Question How to get access to a root path ?


Licensed User
Hello Guys,

I have a little issue trying to get the root path of an application in android, hope some one could help me with this...

I got a rooted android phone and I want to get access to a database of an app which is placed on the root section of the phone but from B4x I didn't figure out how to access this path.

For example I had "str1=sqlite3/data/data/com.agencia/databases/base.db" but I am unable to get the root path for this database.

Thank you in advance for any clue regarding to this matter.


Licensed User
Thank you very much Etel, it was quite helpful to understand...I am still doing some test.

For example, let’s say that I want to get access where whatsapp store it’s database, I want to do some kind of viewer of this SQLite database, I have tried all the information on your post but still I cannot figure out how to obtain the root path for this from b4x:


Any clue will be more than welcome...thanos in advance.
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