Android Question Nesting customlist with labels and lists

Context: In our app we're using an list where is shown information about a shipment. So you've got some load- and unload info and shipmentlines with the cargo information.​

We've a CustomListView where every line has some labels and then an CustomListView with the cargolines

The build up in the designer is as follow:
  1. CustomListView
    1. Panel
      1. load address (label)
      2. unload address (label)
      3. shipmentlines (Customlistview - oCLV_Regels)
        1. Panel
          1. amount (possible multiline label)
          2. weight (possible multiline label)

The problem is that we can't get the latest (bold) custumlistview to work.
I've created a small example (based on the nestedclv) but that doesn't work ether.

Two problems.
1. Not all lines ar visible, only the first one
2. How/where should I resize the oCLV_Regels so all the lines are visible.


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You are trying to use the CLVNested example but there is no CLVNested class in your project (
The example uses text items.
You need to create a layout for the main clv items and for the inner clv items.
Then use the layouts to fill the main clv and the inner clvs.
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This is how it could look like using custom item layouts with panels and labels.


The source code is in the attachment.
Note: both custom listviews are scrollable.


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