Android Question Seriallibjab on Cubietruck ???

Pietro Pancino

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Herel,

I worked around to make a uart based communication beetween a cubiebord2 running android and a PC.
There is a connector with TX and RX uart pin refering to /dev/ttyS0.
On Terminal I configure the ttys0 to read/write using :
chmod 777 /dev/ttyS0

It's working well from the cubie to the PC, but the reception of data from the pc seem to be corrupted. In fact Android is using this serial port as console uart, and data are probably grabbed by the system.
So I have two questions:
Is it possible to send the SU and chmod commands directly from B4A (configuration is lost after reboot)?
Do you know, if it's possible to force android to don't use ttyS0 as console using a command or editing a bash file?

Waiting for reading you...

:) Pietro


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