Share My Creation YouMediaPlayer - Your personal Media Player

YouMediaPlayer - Your advanced Music and Video Player for Android


Hi everybody! Here is my App YouMediaPlayer !

Please Help Me with RATINGS and VOTE in Google Play! :D

We are pleased to announce that YouMediaPlayer exceeds quota 21.200 downloads!
Thanks you all! and thanks to B4A Team!!!

Last Version 4.0.0 (Feb 2018)
- total restyling
- various fixes

Note: If you don't see the second line of description in lists, you have to modify ".... Description Text Color" in "Theme settings" (settings button) with your preferred color.
Important: If you have crash problems try to uninstall and reinstall the app. thanks.

Main Features:
- Automatic discovery of Music and Video files
- Songs List, Artists List, Albums List
- Album Thumbnails (ID3 tags and image files with activate/deactivate option)
- Search Song or Album on Youtube (long click on song row)
- Icon on notification bar
- Volume
- Moving Position
- Button +5, +10, +20, -5, -10, -20 seconds in playing song
- Play song with SINGLE CLIC
- Obtain song information with Long Click
- Play, Pause, Stop
- Button Previous/Next
- Option "Play Single Song" (if deactivated play all songs from actual position to end of list)
- Search a song with a word in the title (function 'search the word')
- List grouped by artist
- List by Folders
- Select your favorite artists and listen songs with new button "Search Artists"
- "Show Only Title" option
- Single and Multiple Random Play on current list or on ALL files
- Slide left/right panels (with arrows on bottom toolbar)
- Top Listened Songs
- Favorites
- Simple Equalizer
- Share button to share a text message with the song and artist currently playing
- Contextual menu with LONG CLICK on file (song) with "Song Informations", "Delete File", "Rename File" and "Play" options
- "Set as Ringtone" option
- Filter on Files Types (mp3, ogg, midi, amr, m4a or ALL)
- label "Equalizer is ON" (or OFF) in the top
- Layouts for each resolution
- Lock portrait or landscape
- Control Equalizer for 2.3 or greater
- exit button (X in top right area)
- Title Scrollable with playing song
- Available for ALL resolution! landscape or portrait

Please report any problem or suggestion at [email protected]

Google Play direct links:

If you like the app, please rate it on the market and report here any bug.

Your suggestions are welcome!

Thank you!


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Active Member
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Longtime User
i'm trying to use you class ScrollPanel with actual class ClsCheckList (i've update with version in your example).
i've inserted code from your example but i see only original scrollview (only with new Divider with parameter set to 1)

i use:
Dim lstAudio As ClsCheckList
Dim spSV1 As ClsScrollPanel
Dim lblMirror As Label
lstAudio.Initialize( Me, svAudio, "", "Audio_Click", "Audio_LongClick",1)
and then
spSV1.Initialize(Activity, svAudio, 70dip, 70dip, True) 'Cache is enabled
with other event as you example:
Sub svAudio_ScrollChanged(Position As Int)
End Sub
Sub spSV1_ShowHide(SenderSP As Object, Visible As Boolean)
  If Visible = False Then
   lblMirror.Visible = False
   lblMirror.Visible = spSV1.ScrollPanelMovedByUser
  End If
End Sub
Sub spSV1_TextUpdated(SenderSP As Object, Text As String)
  lblMirror.Text = Text
End Sub

that's correct?


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yes i've this code:

lstAudio.Initialize( Me, svAudio, "", "Audio_Click", "Audio_LongClick",1)
lstAudio.ExtensionColor = Colors.ARGB(50, 255, 255, 255)

' We attach the ScrollPanel to the ScrollView
spSV1.Initialize(Activity, svAudio, 70dip, 70dip, True) 'Cache is enabled

' We create the listeners to get events in real time
spSV1.SetOnShowHideEvent(Me, "spSV1_ShowHide")
spSV1.SetOnTextUpdatedEvent(Me, "spSV1_TextUpdated")

' Our label "mirror" is invisible at start
lblMirror.Visible = False

but ScrollPanel and lblMirror not appears...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Since this code works well in the demo #3, the problem is obviously in your app. I cannot say more without the app code. What does the log say (filtered and unfiltered) ?
The only thing that comes to my mind: you declared your ScrollPanel with Activity as parent while your ScrollView is obviously in a TabHost (why ?). It's better to declare the same parent. BUT you cannot do this with a TabHost. This view has one and only one children. So you have to create a panel, put the ScrollView inside and declare this panel as the ScrollPanel parent. And if you really need this TabHost, the panel becomes the TH child.


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ok. i've replaced tabhost with scrollview and scrollpanel is ok even if the order is incorrect, because I have a list grouped by artist and so the first letter refers to the individual songs and not to artists...

but i've an error on click (and long click) on class clschecklist_pnlsvclick:

if SubExists(CallbackMod, sub_Click) then
CallSub3(CallBackMod, sub_Click, pnl, pnl.tag)

java exception: sub Audio_Click signature does not match expected signature

My code in Audio_Click is:
lstAudio.Initialize( Me, scvFiles, "", "Audio_Click", "Audio_LongClick",1)

Sub Audio_Click(pnlx As Panel, IDx As Int)
   ' Display album, track, year and duration of the audio file
   If IDx = Extended Then
      Extended = -1
   End If
   Dim lblLoc As Label
   lblLoc = pnlx.GetView(1)

any ideas? thanks


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New implementations in version 1.1.4 (see images)
Please see post #1
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I tried various resolutions and with last version seems to work
Base layout is 480x320 scale 1.0 only landscape
Do You have some problems with resolution?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
On my phone, almost all views are properly sized but there are still some ScrollViews too tall or too narrow (e.g. when I select artists).

To display only artists with the ScrollPanel, you have to modify the ScrollPanel class by adding the following line after line #362 (v = sv.Panel.GetView(i)) in RefreshCache:
If v.Tag <> Null Then Continue

I added filter functions in the latest version of the CheckList class.
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Active Member
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thanks... i've updated your class clsCheckList to 2.1
but the sub RefreshCache is in clsScrollPanel (i've version 1.3). right?


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for my App, I customized the following points.
Do you think to update the class passing parameters to functions AddItem, AddItemNoChkbx, AddHeader?

Public Sub AddItem(....)
    lbl1.TextSize =  14      '18  <<< UPDATE
    lbl2.TextSize = 12       '16  <<< UPDATE
Public Sub AddItemNoChkbx(....)
    lbl1.TextSize =  14      '18  <<< UPDATE
    lbl2.TextSize = 12       '16  <<< UPDATE
and to modify the Header:
Private PanelHeightHeader As Int: PanelHeightHeader = 1.5 * LabelHeight   'UPDATE
Public Sub AddHeader(Text As String)
   lblB.TextSize = 14     '18 UPDATE
   pnlH.AddView(lblB, 0, 0, getWidth, PanelHeightHeader)   'UPDATE
   AddToSV(pnlH, PanelHeightHeader, False)               'UPDATE


Licensed User
Longtime User
for my App, I customized the following points.
Do you think to update the class passing parameters to functions AddItem, AddItemNoChkbx, AddHeader?

No, because AddCustomItem is there for that.
It's easy to copy/paste the code from the class in a custom item creation sub, then remove the unneeded parts and change some settings. It's what I do in my own apps (AddItem never suits my needs).


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now will update to replace additem with AddCustomItem, more flexible..