B4J Tutorials

[B4X] SQlite with 6 million rows

I've written a tutorial about database modelling and how long queries in a good designed db environment should take. This is a example about using huge databases. What it does:

- creates two...


  • SQLiteExample.zip
    4.8 KB · Views: 897

[ABMaterial]: Understanding Events with Helper Classes


Why this? I want to think of a Events Helper Classes as something that could help other B4J ABM users with the transition to ABM. Please note, this is NOT how ABM WebApps are developed.



  • ABMActionButton.bas
    3.7 KB · Views: 365

How to create and test a CustomView


This is a continuation of the MashSkeletor concept. If you are a beginner in b4j custom views you might find this very helpful. In this part, the custom view structure was created and now its...

How to create an overview for your B4X articles easily

Hi there

UPDATE: A WebApp using BANAno has been created for this, see here...
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Firebase Service (Server) Example


this is an example/tutorial of a Server that manages Firebase Subscribtions, Unsubscribtions and SendMessages2Topics with the Power of B4J Server!

The advantage is, requests are processed...


  • FirebaseService.zip
    27 KB · Views: 549

[ABMaterial] B4JS - 07 The UI connection (part 2)

[SOLVED]How to measure the width taken by a radio button?

Hi there

How can I measure the width taken by a radio button including its text?


[ABMaterial] Change font type

This post is the answer @alwaysbusy gave me to my question about how to implement a label to look like a clock:

Make a new css file and put it in /css/custom) In my case, 'Digital-7.css'...

[ABMaterial]: Using ABMFileInput for Profile Pictures

For my case study...

I needed a way to upload user profile images to the server and link these to user profiles. The use of the ABMFileInput has touched on some of my screens...


  • people.bas
    42.2 KB · Views: 406

Backup (dump) Sqlite tables via jShell + *.bat file

If you use SQlite in your apps in you need to do backups. A bad decision is just to copy the database file:

- there will be more than one file when the database is online (e.g. *.wal and other...

[ABMaterial] B4JS - 06 The UI Connection

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[ABMaterial] B4JS - 05 JSON & Ajax Calls

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[ABMaterial] B4JS - 04 Running Javascript on the server side (mini NodeJS?)

[ABMaterial] B4JS - 03 Inline Javascript

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[ABMaterial] B4JS - 02 Core Functions

[ABMaterial] B4JS - 01 Getting Started

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[ABMaterial] B4JS - 00 Introduction

After a delay of more of a year working on other ABM stuff, I finaly got back on track with B4JS. I will make a series of tutorials explaining how it works. This post would be the main entry...
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WSL Linux and B4x

If anyone is interested in being able to rapidly test desktop, console or server code in a headless environment using WSL, Linux and X11 I have prepared 19 ready to run distro's that can...
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[ABMaterial] New component ABMFileManager (4.25)

ABMFileManager is a new component in the upcoming ABM 4.25 to manage files on your server (where the .jar file runs), but is not limited to the www folder. This feature makes it very useful on...

[ABMaterial]: Creating a Sign In Modal Dialog with Options: Part 3.1

Hi again

This is the final installment of this important tutorial and is a continuation of part 3, which dealt with the Sign Up process.

So far, we have demonstrated how one can Sign Up, get...


  • frmCreateAccount.bas
    30 KB · Views: 476
  • frmLogin.bas
    23.9 KB · Views: 475
  • activate.zip
    1.4 KB · Views: 430