Android Question How to start Paypal/GPay with Intent


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Whenever it's time for a user to pay an amount he/she owes me, I would like to launch Paypal or GPay app with necessary information prefilled, all the user has to do is to double-check everything shown and either accept to pay or decline to refuse. The result, whether it's paid or not, would be passed back to my app.

I have little experience with Intent, and I would appreciate any help.

Below is the code describing what I'm trying to achieve:
    Dim in As Intent
    in = Activity.GetStartingIntent
    If in <> Null Then
        'check some key to find out if the payment attempt was successful
        If in.HasExtra("Result") Then 'Result is not a real key name
            Dim Result As Int =in.GetExtra("Result")
            Log("Result=" & Result )
            Log("in.ExtrasToString=" & in.ExtrasToString)
            If Result=1 Then
                Log("paid successfully")
                Log("payment failed")
            End If
            Dim in2 As Intent
            in2.Initialize("","") 'initialized to paypal
            in2.PutExtra("MyAccountNo","123xyz") 'this will be my palpal account #.  User's payment will be deposited into this account
            in2.PutExtra("Amount","123.45")  'amount user owes me
        End If
    End If

relevant part of Manifest file:
'for intent
 AddActivityText(Main, <intent-filter>
   <action android:name="com.ddg.myrequestor.CALLBACK" />
   <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />