
  1. X

    B4R Question B4R to add the library

    Hello, everyone, Where did you all find the various library files, I can't find AsyncStreams, Network and so on right now, I need them but I don't know I have no other channel to get them except from the forum, can you provide other channels thank you
  2. Yafuhenk

    B4R Question [SOLVED] Can't connect B4R MQTT client to B4J MQTT broker

    Hi, I read several posts and studied several examples but I can't connect my ESP8266 D1 mini to the broker. Sub Process_Globals Private Broker As MqttBroker Private Client As MqttClient Private ESPTopic As String = "ESP8266_1" Private Name As String = "SKIKK_1" End Sub Sub...
  3. EnderEngineer

    B4R Question unable to change string variable

    Sub Process_Globals Public Serial1 As Serial Private hours, minutes, seconds As Int = 0 Dim alarmhours, alarmminutes, alarmseconds As Int = 0 Private timer1 As Timer Private lcd As LiquidCrystal Dim pa0, pa1, pa2, pa3, buzzerpin As Pin Dim hour_changed...
  4. P

    B4R Question Softserial on Arduino-Nano dont work

    I have a problem with the code below that is supposed to run on an Ardunio Nano with old-Bootloader. It gives me loads of error messages. The pins are correct. I tested it under the Arudino IDE. Here is the code and the error messages. The Libs i use ist Rsoftserial in the Lib-Manager...
  5. mzsoft

    B4R Question OnConnect not triggered in rESPAsyncTCP on esp8266

    Hi. i used https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/rasynctcp-on-esp32-respasynctcp-on-esp8266.138893/ but when client connected OnConnect sub not raised. OnDisconnect works fine. what is the problem?
  6. pejmannikravan

    What are the promotional plans for B4X?

    hello dears and B4X team. We all know that B4X has improved dramatically over the years... But the main problem is that the B4X developer community is very small and the number of developers is small, perhaps due to lack of advertising! The B4X has great potential, but I don't think anyone knows...
  7. mzsoft

    Wish program button for b4r ide

    i want to program hex to 10 board and now i must click on run and compile software every time and it take 1 minutes . i wish b4r have a button to just program to boards not compile again. thanks
  8. irhamnur00

    B4R Question ESP32 connected to Node-RED, but it can't receive a topic message input from the server

    I was just trying to make my first project with B4R. Also, I was a newbie in microcontroller programming. In this my first project, I make a dashboard in Node-RED to display a value from the ESP32 and to control the blue LED on ESP32. The value had been successfully sent, but until now the...
  9. rwblinn

    C/C++ Question [SOLVED] How to assign value to Class Member from local Callback

    EDIT: Solved = See post #6. Note: Removed the attachement as the reworked B4R library will be shared in the B4R Libraries forum. This is question is related to the partial wrapping of the ESP32 lib Legoino to B4R lib rLegoinoBoost. The lib Legoino requires callbacks to access device property...
  10. rwblinn

    B4R Library rLEDController

    rLEDController is an open source B4R B4XLib for controlling multiple LEDs. The LEDController enableds to control up-to 10 LEDs individually, like turn ON/OFF, turn on for period of time or number of timer ticks. Background The background for developing this module, is to control a number of...
  11. rtek1000

    Bug? B4X IDEs presents BUG by maximizing

    Initial condition: - Windows 10 x64 (20H2) - Have two displays (Extended mode) - The IDE window sized to show a part on each screen Problem: - When the IDE window is maximized, a portion of the window remains on the second screen Verification: - This problem does not occur with other programs...
  12. M

    B4R Question how to return ip from in line c

    how can i return IPAddress from in line c. this is my code.not work Sub Process_Globals Dim ip() As Byte End Sub Sub get_ip (name() As Byte) ip=RunNative("getip", name) End Sub #If c #include <ESPmDNS.h> void getip(B4R::Object* o) { B4R::Array* b =...
  13. Martin Larsen

    B4R Library BMP180 with ESP8266-01 support - Pressure and temperature

    This is a modified version of Erel's BMP180 library with support for ESP8266-01. The tiny ESP-01 board does support I2C but the SDA and SCL pins are different from the bigger boards' so the standard library does not work. You will not get a reading from the sensor. Instead, this library...
  14. janderkan

    B4R Library rVL53L0X library

    This wraps the VL53L0X library by Pololu. The library makes it simple to configure the sensor and read range data from it via I²C. Enjoy
  15. S

    Share My Creation Find used libraries (B4A, B4J,B4In B4R)

    Hello, Sometimes you want to clean the additionnal folder, but are you sure a library is used or not in your projects ? This app lists all the libraries found in your projets. Select a folder, check project's type and you got it! In the left listview are the libraries found. In the right...
  16. S

    Italian B4R Esp8266 inserire dati in Database sqlite android

    C'è un modo per collegare un esp8266 al database sqlite in un cellulare? Vorrei inviare dei dati al cellulare tramite hotspot. Grazie
  17. Chris160179

    B4R Question Use a type variable in another type variable

    Hello everybody, it seems it is not possible to use a type variable in another type variable. Like this: Type WLAN_Type (IP As String, SSID As String, Password As String, Chanel As Byte, BSSID As String) Type Settings(Resets As UInt, Summertime As Boolean, WLAN As WLAN_Type) Public...
  18. Peter Simpson

    🤗 My happy introduction to B4X

    Hmm, I see that Anywhere Software has created this new section in the forum, so I've decided to add my actual B4X story. WARNING: This is going to be a loooooooooooong read :cool: I've always enjoyed creating software from the early days of the humble 48k ZX spekky, to machine coding my 68000...
  19. M

    Wish Possible to create real classes in B4R (and create instances of that class)?

    You can create class modules in B4R but they act as singletons - I can't define a class module say "MQTTBUNDLE" and then create instances of that class. I know the whole thing about low resources and all that but is this something that might be possible in the future? I'm using Types for this...
  20. Chris160179

    Wish Board Selector (auto select Board when hardcoded)

    Hello Erel, is it possible to save the selected board like ESP8266 in the project? So that the "Board Selector" is set automaticly? When i work with an ESP8266 board an load a new project with an ESP32, the "Board Selector" stays on the last selection and didn´t change with the loaded project...