
  1. K

    Android Question Issue using B4XDialogs

    I'm facing an issue when using B4Xdialogs in B4Xpages. I've added B4XDialog in B4XPage and The B4XDialog is poping behind the view of B4Xpage elements/layout. I've attached a screenshot. This is the code I've used, dialog.Initialize(Root) dialog.PutAtTop=True Dim pnl as...
  2. T

    Android Question B4xDialog and B4XSearchTemplate

    Hi, Needed some Help, I wanted to have the B4XSearchTemplate on top of B4xDialog and still not close B4xDialog. I have tried but it keeps closing the B4xDialog and starts the B4XSearchTemplate. Any Help?
  3. LucaMs

    Android Code Snippet [B4X] TextInputBox

    I needed a simple cross platform dialog (B4A, B4X, B4i) for entering alphabetic text. I don't know if I wasted time and there is already something ready it's simpler than the one I'm about to publish (which could be written much better). Depends on XUI Views. V. 1.0.1 - Added a parameter...
  4. A

    Android Question the soft keyboard button don´t change the text to Next after shown

    Hi all. I´m using the b4x Dialog library to show a dialog with two edit views and a label above. But I´v got this problem when the keyboard is shown: the text of the button do not change to "next". After change manually the edit views, the text do change to Next & Done. It happens only when...
  5. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] - Changing background colour of B4XDialog

    Greetings, I'm trying to change the background colour of a B4XDialog I started to use but the app crashes with this error in the logs. It crashes on the comented out line. java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "(GradientDrawableWithCorners)...
  6. M

    Android Question How do I block wait in code

    Dim xui As XUI Private dialog As B4XDialog dialog.Initialize(act) dialog.Title = title Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("") p.SetLayoutAnimated(0,100%x/4, 100dip, 300dip, 150dip) p.LoadLayout("CustomDialog") NfieldFirstName.Text=text...
  7. LucaMs

    B4J Question B4XDialogs not listed

    XUI Views.b4xlib is in "Internal libraries" (only) B4J 7.80 BTW, I would add the B4J Version in: https://www.b4x.com/b4j.html Also, I would add B4J also to the Store page, highlighting the fact that it is free.
  8. M

    Android Question [SOLVED] KeyPress Event Unmanageable

    Hi, everyone, i'm coding an app, and i wanted to do it graphically catchy, so i designed my own msgBox in the designer, and i display it using the custom B4XDialog and loading the layout i did. Now, the problem is that it doesn't aumatic handle the KeyPress Back event, so you have to do it...