I needed a simple cross platform dialog (B4A, B4X, B4i) for entering alphabetic text.
I don't know if I wasted time and there is already something ready it's simpler than the one I'm about to publish (which could be written much better).
Depends on XUI Views.
V. 1.0.1 - Added a parameter, DefaultText.
I don't know if I wasted time and there is already something ready it's simpler than the one I'm about to publish (which could be written much better).
Depends on XUI Views.
V. 1.0.1 - Added a parameter, DefaultText.
' CaseType - Pass: "L" for Lower only, "U" for Upper only, "B" for Both.
' ExtraChars example: @$!%*?
' Wait For (TextInputBox("Name", "Erel" 3, 10, "B", "")) Complete(Name As String)
' If Name.Length > 0 Then
' Log("Name: " & Name)
' Else
' Log("Canceled")
' End If
Private Sub TextInputBox(Prompt As String, DefaultText As String, MinLength As Int, MaxLength As Int, CaseType As String, ExtraChars As String) As ResumableSub
Dim ReturnedValue As String = ""
Dim Dialog As B4XDialog
Dim InputTemplate As B4XInputTemplate
InputTemplate.lblTitle.Text = Prompt
InputTemplate.Text = DefaultText
Dim RegexPattern As String
CaseType = CaseType.ToUpperCase
Dim PatternLetterCase As String
Select CaseType
Case "L"
PatternLetterCase = "a-z"
Case "U"
PatternLetterCase = "A-Z"
Case "B"
PatternLetterCase = "a-zA-Z"
End Select
If ExtraChars.Length > 0 Then
ExtraChars = Regex.Replace("([a-zA-Z0-9])", ExtraChars, "")
If ExtraChars.Length > 0 Then
If Not(ExtraChars.StartsWith("\")) Then
ExtraChars = "\" & ExtraChars
End If
PatternLetterCase = PatternLetterCase & ExtraChars
End If
End If
RegexPattern = $"[${PatternLetterCase}]{${MinLength},${MaxLength}}"$
InputTemplate.RegexPattern = RegexPattern
Wait For (Dialog.ShowTemplate(InputTemplate, "OK", "", "CANCEL")) Complete (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
ReturnedValue = InputTemplate.Text
End If
Return ReturnedValue
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click
Wait For (TextInputBox("Name", "Erel", 3, 10, "B", "")) Complete(Name As String)
If Name.Length > 0 Then
Log("Name: " & Name)
End If
End Sub
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