
  1. A

    Android Question B4XFloatTextField - Find view with tag problem

    Hi, I have summarized my codes into a basic one: a layout with just one B4XFloatTextField named "B1" and here is my code: #Region Activity Attributes #FullScreen: False #IncludeTitle: false #End Region Sub Process_Globals End Sub Sub Globals Public FloatText As...
  2. J

    iOS Question Associating a custom keyboard to B4XFloatTextField

    I have a custom iPhone keyboard that works fine with TextField. But it won't work with B4XFloatTextField. I am working on a cross platform app and have tried the following so far- Dim B4XFloatTextField1 As B4XFloatTextField Dim no As NativeObject=B4XFloatTextField1...
  3. A

    Android Question HandleAction for B4XFloatTextField

    Does the HandleAction event for the keyboard IME work in case we have a B4XFloatTextField instead of an EditText?
  4. J

    Android Question Nine patch & B4X

    Is there an option to apply Nine patch on B4X elements? Specifically on B4XFloatTextField? I want to hide that line at the bottom of the edit field.
  5. Y

    B4J Question B4XFloatTextField.TextField.SetTextAlignment error in B4J

    Hi, in b4j this command causes boot to fail B4X: FtUser.TextField.SetTextAlignment("CENTER","CENTER") FtUser is B4XFloatTextField. How to solve this problem? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Waiting for debugger to connect... Program...
  6. Y

    Bug? B4XFloatTextFied.TextField.SetTextAlignment failed in

    Hi, in b4j this command causes boot to fail FtUser.TextField.SetTextAlignment("TOP","RIGHT") FtUser is B4XFloatTextFiel. How to solve this problem?
  7. mmieher

    Android Question Stepping on B4XFloatTextField Accept and Cancel Buttons

    I seem to be inadvertently disabling the Accept and Cancel buttons in a B4XTextFloatField. This code works fine: EditMtgPage.Initialize("EditMtg") Root.AddView(EditMtgPage,0,0,100%x,100%y) EditMtgPage.LoadLayout("EditMtg") '''' B4M.SetAllTags(EditMtgPage) ' calling this effs...
  8. A

    Android Question [B4XFloatTextField] Background and border not showing

    Have this in the activity_create Sub but the textfield background is still transparent txfUserName.mBase.SetColorAndBorder(Colors.LightGray,1dip,Colors.DarkGray,3dip) txfPassword.mBase.SetColorAndBorder(Colors.LightGray,1dip,Colors.DarkGray,3dip)
  9. mmieher

    Android Question B4XFloatTextField Definitive Guide

    Can someone please point me to the definitive guide to B4XFloatTextField? I have looked at almost every post in the forum, and plowed though all the Guides. The XUI example only does a B4XFloatTextField1.NextField. That's it. I am trying to create a class that does something like the "..."...
  10. T201016

    Share My Creation [B4X] TextEditor - Save and load external files.

    Welcome to the Forum! I would like to share my modest contribution today in the Android Text Editor (based on Erel's sources available). TextEditor ver. RS0.1 (see: download dropbox) Since I noticed the interest in the forum, the matter of counting lines of text in objects of type (EditText or...
  11. epiCode

    Android Question B4XFloatTextField padding & RTL

    I'm using B4XFloatTextField and having few concerns 1. Padding on right side hides X and Tick symbols 2. When Arabic/Urdu/Persian text is entered in text field it moves the text on Right Side (which it should) but again the text is below X and Tick symbol (which should have ideally moved to...
  12. rleiman

    Android Question B4XFloatTextField _TextChanged view not initialised error

    Greetings, In my logs I get an error telling me to initialise the view. I thought that loading a layout was enough to initialise the text view but it looks like I may need to use an initialise statement in the TextChanged sub routine because if I comment out the sub routine there is no crashing...
  13. A

    Android Question [Solved] Passing enabled=false doesn't work for either FloatLabeledEditText or B4XFloatTextField

    Hi All, I am trying to disable access to FloatLabeledEditText which is loaded to b4xDialog, but seems nothing is working to disable the field. private email as FloatLabeledEditText diag.Initialize(barp) .... Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("") p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 90%x...
  14. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] - B4XFloatTextField - Hiding hint when the user starts to type.

    Greetings. With the B4XFloatTextField, can I hide the hint when the user starts to type? Thanks.
  15. Lucas Siqueira

    B4A Library [B4X] BR_B4XFloatTextField

    Hello everyone! With the example of Erel library and with the help of Biswajit, we made some modifications to the original B4XFloatTextField library, recreating it with some modifications in the visual transforming into BR_B4XFloatTextField. See how the example looked: Note: I have no iphone to...
  16. rgarnett1955

    Android Question B4XFloatTextField cannot change fields parameters when field is used in custom view class

    Hi, I am making a revised B4XFloatTextField called tfeCustom. I have done the following: Created a layout (tfeCVLayout.bal) with a B4XFloatTextField called tfe and a toolbar of images for clear, back, forward, format title (proper, lowercase, uppercase, camel and SQLite SQL format Load the...
  17. S

    iOS Question Keyboard hiding B4XFloatTextField

    I notice I can detect the keyboard appearing using Page1_KeyboardStateChanged but I have no way of knowing which TextField has the focus so I can then move the panel it's in up to allow the user to still see it while they type. How best should I handle this scenario? Regards, Simon
  18. jroriz

    B4J Question Adjust hint and text in FloatTextField

    I would like to adjust the position of the hint and the text being typed in the FloatTextField. Notice that I'd like to move the hint a little bit too. Could anyone help? from: to:
  19. LucaMs

    Bug? B4XFloatTextField background color

    Setting the background color of B4XFloatTextFied has no effect.
  20. Fr Simon Rundell

    B4J Question XUI: Enabled/Visible on B4XFloatTextField

    I am loving the XUI Library, but some of the opportunities the new controls offer also come with (perhaps unforseen) limitations. Having a Password feature in a B4XFloatTextField is awesome, but I am surprised that I can no longer set this control as txtfield.Enabled=True so that I can lock it...