
  1. G

    Android Question Fill circle based on slider value

    I am trying to get a water filling effect in a circle. For half filled (slider value =50), I can do this . However I am unable to figure out how to do that for any other slider value. : Dim bc,bc2 As BitmapCreator bc.Initialize(ImageView1.Width, ImageView1.Height)...
  2. TelKel81

    Android Question BitmapCreatorEffects DrawThroughMask issue

    Dim view As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("") Root1.AddView(view, 0, 0, 50%x, 50%x) Dim mask As B4XBitmap = LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "mask.png", view.Width, view.Height, False) Dim bc As BitmapCreator bc.Initialize(view.Width, view.Height) bc.FillRadialGradient(Array...
  3. yo3ggx

    Android Question BitmapCreator and pixel color

    Hello, I have the following piece of code: Dim bmc As BitmapCreator Dim i As Int Dim linePixels(128) As Int Dim bc As ByteConverter bmc.Initialize(128,1) For i = 0 To 127 linePixels(i) = Colors.Red Next bc.LittleEndian = True...
  4. HMdesigner

    Games XNA to ... ?

    Hello, Thank you to Erel, and all those who have created this opportunity to create cross-platform software. I am grateful. I was mostly done creating a game using and XNA for Windows when I discovered B4X in February. Since then I have been reading the forums trying to understand the...
  5. TelKel81

    Android Question Clip / Crop with bitmapcreator ?

    Hi, is there a way to clip / crop with bitmapcreator ? Similar to canvas.ClipPath / canvas.RemoveClip. I would like to try using BitmapCreator instead of B4XCanvas, I'm trying to maximize performance gains.
  6. M

    Android Question Using BitMapCreator to put a Border around a bmp

    Calling BitMapCreator Experts. I have a GrayScale Bitmap (see picture) of dimensions 199 x 262. I would like to (programmatically) put a border around it and save it (again) as a .bmp The border I put around it must cause the final combined bmp to ... a) have dimensions of Exactly 512 x...
  7. D

    Android Question I do not find BCBrush library or module

    In order to use anotherprogressbar I need to use PCBrush and I don't know where to find it
  8. jroriz

    B4J Question [Solved] Wand tool

    to Is it possible to create something like a wand tool? I need to change all the yellow pixels, and then pixels "close to yellow", to black. Then all the rest to white. I was trying using BitmapCreator, and comparing pixel by pixel. But i could not figure out how to detect a range of pixels...
  9. Alexander Stolte

    Android Code Snippet [B4X] [BitmapCreator] Change Color of Bitmap

    Hello, the Output is not optimal. Have a look down, to Erels code snip for better results. With this snip, you can easy change a Bitmap/Icon Color. This only makes sense if the picture is monochrome with a transparent background like Icons. Usage: ImageView1.Bitmap =...
  10. Star-Dust

    Android Code Snippet [BAX] [XUI] BitmapCreator - DrawLine, DrawPath , DrawCircle, DrawArc, DrawImageTrapezoid

    BitmapCreator lacks some important instructions on Canvas. Sometimes switching from BitmapCreator to Canvas and vice versa would slow down the code too much, so it would be better to implement them with BitmapCreator. I started writing some divers, if someone finds a way to improve it or add...